Is "Painless" Laser Hair Removal Reliable?
Source: | Author:adss | Published time: 2022-07-07 | 235 Views | Share:

At present, laser hair removal is a popular method, but it should be noted that four categories of people are not suitable. It is worth noting that, affected by the quality of equipment and professional operation, the efficacy of laser hair removal varies greatly, and some wrong operations may even cause skin damage and erosion. Therefore, it is recommended that citizens in need try to choose a regular hospital to consult professional doctors and technicians, and choose a laser hair removal program that suits them. Laser hair removal can be permanent, however, this treatment is not suitable for everyone.

A question that many people are concerned about is: Is "painless" laser hair removal really reliable?

01.4 Types Of People Are Not Suitable For Hair Removal

According to experts, there are four types of people who are not suitable for laser armpit hair removal:

1. The skin is damaged or has skin tumors;

2. Those who are taking photosensitivity drugs orally;

3. Pregnant women;

4. Just after sun exposure.

The principle of laser hair removal is mainly based on the principle of selective photothermal action. There is usually abundant melanin in the hair follicle and hair shaft. When using laser treatment, the temperature of the melanin will rise sharply after absorbing the energy of the laser, thus It leads to the destruction of the hair follicle tissue and can no longer grow hair, thus achieving the effect of permanent hair removal. If it is exposed to the sun, the skin epidermis of the body is too pigmented, and it is easy to cause skin burns during laser treatment.

The doctor reminded that everyone's skin color, water content, hemoglobin content, stratum corneum thickness, and hair characteristics are different, so the laser solutions adopted are different. For example, people with fair skin can use the mode with high energy density, so professional doctors And technicians will tailor a personalized hair removal program. If you use a mode with too high energy density, it is easy to cause skin burns, erosion, and even scarring.

02.Is "Painless" Laser Hair Removal Reliable?

Generally, laser hair removal has a certain amount of pain. The so-called "painless" is only used for hair removal in a low-energy mode, and in fact, it cannot achieve the effect of permanent removal.

03.Self-hair Removal, Beware Of Folliculitis

In addition to laser armpit hair removal, common methods include self-shaving with a razor, hair removal cream or beeswax, etc. These methods cannot directly act on hair follicles, but only remove the surface. Will grow back soon.

Self-hair removal should pay attention to preventing folliculitis. "Generally, you should choose a better quality blade when shaving, so as not to scratch and cause wound infection." In addition, plucking can easily cause skin follicle damage or retrograde infection of the hair follicle, so be careful when doing it yourself. .

"Actually, armpit hair can play a protective role in reducing friction for the human body." Whether or not to remove hair is a personal choice, but if you decide to remove it, you should also pay attention to protecting your skin. After hair removal, you can apply a moisturizer to lubricate and prepare Anti-inflammatory ointment is ready for use. Once the hair follicle is found to have a wound, apply it in time, and observe more. If it becomes serious, seek medical attention in time to avoid erosion and leave scars.