Advantages of DPL Precision Photon Hair Removal
Source: | Author:adss | Published time: 2022-07-07 | 229 Views | Share:

Advantages Of DPL Precision Photon Hair Removal

DPL photon hair removal is a new hair removal method at present. It uses a wide spectrum of 650-950nm. It acts on the hair follicle according to the selective photothermal action of pulsed light, increases the temperature of the hair follicle, destroys the growth cells of the hair follicle, and does not damage the hair follicle. The epidermis is lowered in advance, so as to achieve the effect of hair removal.

Advantages Of DPL Hair Removal

Advantage 1: "Precise Targeting, Significant Curative Effect"

DPL photon hair removal uses a specially designed double-pulse light. Through the cooperation between two laser pulses of different modes, 10 pulses are emitted per second, so as to glide briskly on the skin, gently deactivate the hair follicles, and achieve the effect of hair removal. .

Advantage 2: "Immediately Effective, The Speed Of Light Becomes Beautiful"

"DPL Photon Hair Removal" adopts a new pulse mode and repetition frequency, which can increase the hair removal speed by 3-5 times, which effectively solves the two major problems of traditional laser hair removal pain and slow speed.

Safer, more comfortable and painless: DPL precision light adopts sequential pulse mode, which makes the heating more stable, almost painless, safe and comfortable, without side effects, and easy to treat. The special waveband intense pulsed light it emits can penetrate the skin directly to the deep part of the hair follicle. Using the principle of selective photothermolysis of the intense pulsed light source, the temperature of the hair follicle can be rapidly increased until it solidifies, and the effect of hair removal can be achieved while avoiding damage to the surrounding tissue. .

Advantage 3: "Painless, Non-invasive, Comfortable Skin Rejuvenation"

"DPL Photon Hair Removal" adopts the gold standard hair removal wavelength, which can ensure efficient hair removal. Its safety has been widely verified in clinical practice, and it has become the hair removal choice for many beauty lovers. Using a low energy density of 10J and a cooling system throughout the process, the probability of side effects is almost reduced to zero.

Advantage 4: DPL Hair Removal Equipment Compared With Traditional Hair Removal Technology

The traditional photorejuvenation hair removal technology (IPL, Intense Pulse Light) only uses the fine-tuning of the pulse width to improve the photothermal selection, and the wavelength range is wide.

The DPL hair removal technology can excite a selected narrow-spectrum pulsed light in the 100nm band. This band also includes the absorption peaks of melanin, oxygen and hemoglobin, which enables the effective treatment energy to be accurately concentrated, which can be fast, accurate and efficient. It solves various skin problems such as facial pigmentation and telangiectasia (red-face syndrome), and the whitening effect is also extraordinary.

Because the efficacy of DPL precision skin rejuvenation technology significantly surpasses photon skin rejuvenation, and the treatment cycle is significantly shortened, it is known as an epoch-making optical beauty skin rejuvenation technology. Low maintenance cost, good effect, the maximum light output frequency is 40Hz, the operation speed is faster, and it is suitable for excess hair in all parts of the body.