Does the size of the big machine head affect the laser energy?
Source: | Author:adss | Published time: 2022-07-13 | 229 Views | Share:

Is it faster to use a large head for laser hair removal on the market? Or is the small head more detailed? It has attracted a lot of discussions from girls who want to do laser hair removal. What is the relationship between the size of the machine head and the effect of laser hair removal?


Is big machine head easy to have "hair" that slips through the net?


When girls do hair removal treatment, the ultimate concern is the completely whitening hair removal effect, and which handpiece can achieve the most complete whitening effect? Let’s take a look at the results of medical evidence: the largest handpiece 24mm has been proven by the medical community, and it is the fastest and most effective technology for complete hair removal in the world. This is not difficult to understand, because the machine head is large, the circle of laser light is also large, the greater the energy coverage, the reduction of hair leakage is inevitable; at the same time, the deeper the energy goes, the stronger the ability to eliminate hair follicles, so the hair removal effect is better clean.


It takes four to six weeks between each laser hair removal treatment. The reason is that hair has a growth cycle (there are three phases: growth phase, transition phase, and resting phase). Laser hair removal can only target hair that is in the growing phase. , For the ungrown hair, you have to wait four to six weeks until a new batch of hair grows out and then the treatment can effectively remove the hair. However, these newly grown hairs are often misunderstood as slipping through the previous treatment hair.


Does the size of the big machine head affect the laser energy?


Because the size of the head will affect the size and efficiency of the hair removal range, which will affect the effect; as for the laser energy, it is actually the pulse duration of the laser hair removal device. Pulse means a measure of the energy emitted in microseconds (ms), the smaller the number, the greater the energy.


Is a small head equal to meticulous?


Whether the hair removal is meticulous or not depends on whether the hair removal position and the size of the machine head match. Therefore, most hair removal machine manufacturers have different sizes of handpieces, such as 24mm handpieces to take care of large and small hair removal positions such as hands, feet and back; also equipped with 18mm and 12mm handpieces to choose from, for smaller parts such as The upper lip, lower lip and fingers are all treated with meticulous and precise hair removal. Therefore, whether the hair removal is meticulous is defined by whether a handpiece suitable for the large and small parts is properly used on the part that needs to be treated.