Ways To Reduce The Side Effects Of Hair Removal
Source: | Author:adss | Published time: 2022-07-14 | 198 Views | Share:

The principle of laser hair removal is to use the characteristics of different substances to absorb different wavelengths of light with different efficiencies. With the appropriate wavelength, the laser beam can penetrate deep into the hair follicle and the melanin absorbs most of the laser energy. As a result, the energy of the laser is close to reaching the hair follicle, the melanin in the hair absorbs a lot of energy, and the temperature rises sharply, causing the mammoth tissue to be destroyed and the hair to be removed.


During this process, edamame melanin absorbs most of the energy, so the energy diffused to the surrounding skin tissue is relatively low. During the treatment, there is almost no special skin discomfort, and there is no significant difference between the preoperative and postoperative skin surface, no Need to "stop" to rest.


There are of course some minor side effects of laser hair removal:


There will be a slight tingling sensation during the laser hair removal process, a slight burning sensation after the operation, and mild erythema and follicular papules will appear on the local skin, which may disappear within a few hours.


Individual patients may develop purpura, blisters, temporary hyperpigmentation or loss of pigment, and most recover after several months.


It is worth noting that due to tingling, the pain may stimulate uterine contractions, and it is not recommended for pregnant women.


Here are some ways to reduce side effects:


1. Do a good job of sun protection before and after surgery, shave off the epidermis before surgery, apply ice after treatment, and then apply skin ointment externally.


2.After laser hair removal, you must pay attention to external sunscreen before outdoor activities.


3. A few people are sensitive to laser stimulation. In order to avoid side effects, some experimental treatments can be done locally to ensure that there is no problem after large-scale treatment again.