Are home hair removal devices reliable?
Source: | Author:adss | Published time: 2022-07-15 | 233 Views | Share:

Home hair removal device: generally use IPL technology. Since household hair removal devices are generally imported brands, they are designed with European and American parameters. Since Asians have relatively few hairs and have darker skin than Europeans, once the pores absorb strong light, the burning sensation is obvious. In addition, the home hair removal device lacks professional guidance. The leaked strong light is harmful to the eyes, and the publicity is suspected of exaggeration. A certain brand publicity stunt "can be used for unlimited continuous hair". . The IPL will end its life after tens of thousands of times of use, and the light emitted by it will have no energy. Before then, the lamp head should have been reimbursed long ago. Many customers have reported that the experience is poor, and the severe cases are suspected to be red, swollen and burnt.


Comments: In recent years, various household medical beauty instruments have been sold very well. As consumers, they will think that they can enjoy the progress of medical beauty technology at home, and can avoid the big pit of irregular sales of medical beauty, but once these instruments enter the home, In order to be safe, the energy was lowered, which could not have the desired effect and effect. Irregular use and improper use by people who do not have any medical cosmetic foundation may also induce other side effects, which are not worth the harm. In the end, most people get it in three minutes, and it will be put on the shelf after a few days. The state of abandoning it is actually a waste of money.


Freezing point hair removal: Freezing point is not a hair removal technology, but a cooling technology used in the process of hair removal to improve the pain caused by the thermal stimulation of the skin by laser or IPL.


Vacuum hair removal: Vacuum is not a hair removal technology. It is only in the process of hair removal. Vacuum technology is used to inhale the part of the hair to be removed, so that light waves or heat can enter the hair follicles of the skin more accurately, avoiding the impact on the surrounding skin.


Conclusion: There are many ways to remove hair. These methods can eventually remove the hair to an inconspicuous state. The key is time. Generally speaking, hair has a resting period and a growing period. No matter which hair removal method is used, it only affects the hair in the growing period. The effect, so persistence is a must. You must not take off your hair once, if you don’t go for two months, then go again in the third month, it will never be clean.


Any kind of hair removal method has the benefits of skin rejuvenation. This is also a good buy-one-get-one-free item. Although everyone may say that they don’t care whether the skin on the body is smooth and white, inadvertently, the skin is getting more and more Well, it's getting whiter and whiter, which is what the little master likes to see.


Human aging is related to UV exposure. The older the person, the more obvious melanin in the skin. Not only the face has melanin, but all the skin on the body will have melanin pigmentation. Therefore, the benefits of hair removal are not only smoothness, but also skin rejuvenation and beauty. Skin remove melanin effect.