Intense pulsed light hair removal principle
Source: | Author:adss | Published time: 2022-07-18 | 164 Views | Share:

Excessive thick hair on the body may affect the appearance, and some beauty-loving women will spare no expense to go to the beauty salon or purchase equipment for hair removal. There are many hair removal products, and the most emerging one is the IPL (intense pulsed light) hair removal device, which claims to use a variety of different wavelengths of light beams to project on the skin tissue to destroy hair growth, reduce hair regrowth, and achieve hair removal. Effect. However, not everyone is suitable for IPL hair removal. Those who are interested in going to a beauty salon for IPL hair removal or buying a home IPL hair removal device should not miss the tips below.


IPL hair removal device may not be suitable for everyone, you need to know the risks of using it


Intense pulsed light hair removal principle


Intense pulsed light sources ( intense pulsed light sources ) can emit a burst of high-energy wet dolphin rushing light ( intensepulsed light), including visible and near-infrared wavelengths (between 470nm and 1,200nm)

When the light of different wavelengths is projected on the skin tissue at the same time, it can penetrate different layers of the skin tissue. When part of it is absorbed and turned into heat energy, it can achieve the effect of beauty or hair removal. Taking hair removal as an example, when the released light energy is absorbed by the black (melanin) or other pigments (chromophores) in the hair, the temperature of the hair in the growth phase rises to the point of destruction, which can reduce hair regrowth and achieve Hair removal effect. However, hair grows from senilin, and each hair follicle has its own growth cycle, which goes through three cycles of growth, telogen and telogen. One hair removal can only remove part of the hair. When the hair Xiang enters another growth cycle, new hair will grow, so it may not be able to be permanently removed.


At present, many brands of electronic beauty products have launched IPL hair removal devices for home use, with prices ranging from thousands to over 10,000 yuan. Home IPL hair removal devices usually come with instructions to teach how to use the hair removal device, but Xiluo public generally does not receive relevant training, so you should be careful before use, read the product manual and applicable models carefully before use, pay attention to Whether the machine is equipped with contact sensor, UV filter, power switch control and other safety facilities to prevent misuse: Also pay attention to whether the machine language is suitable for the face and whether to wear eye protection badges, because If the IPL hair removal device is operated inadvertently, it may damage the eyes and cause vision damage. The ideal way is to consult a professional medical staff first, whether you go to a beauty salon or buy an IPL machine for hair removal.


IPL hair removal device is not for everyone


After using the IPL hair removal device, possible adverse reactions include: erythema, edema, desquamation, hyperpigmentation or depigmentation, etc. At present, many medical literatures on the efficacy of IPL hair removal devices and the research of international consumer research and testing organizations are based on Caucasians. The risk of this type of hair removal is lower; for people of color, because of their darker skin, the skin contains more melanin, which absorbs better light energy, and absorbs excessive heat energy may be more likely to damage skin tissue. Optical hair removal has a higher relative risk, while People who are prone to tanning are also at greater risk and must be careful when using it. If you want to know dark or light skin tone, you can generally refer to the Fitzpatrick skin classification.