Why is laser hair removal safe?
Source: | Author:adss | Published time: 2022-07-19 | 171 Views | Share:

The weather is getting warmer and everyone is starting to remove hair, but will the effect be permanent? The principle of laser hair removal is that there is no recurrence. Clinically, being able to remove to 80% is called clean removal, which basically meets the expectations of most people.


What is the principle of laser hair removal?


It is based on the principle of selective photothermal action. When the laser is irradiated to the root of the hair, due to the large amount of melanin in the hair follicle and hair shaft, it can convert light energy into heat energy, destroy the hair follicle tissue, and make the hair lose its ability to regenerate. Laser hair removal is arguably the safest, fastest and longest-lasting hair removal technology available.


Why is laser hair removal safe?


Laser hair removal treatment is simple and fast. The hair on the surface of the treatment site is shaved before surgery so that it cannot absorb the laser light; the laser acts on the skin surface through a complex optical fiber transmission system; the laser energy is selectively absorbed by the melanin in the hair follicle and converted into heat energy to destroy the hair follicle, but not to the surrounding skin. cause damage.


Laser hair removal generally has no side effects. In life, people often say that sweating from sweat pores is actually just a habit and not scientific. Hair follicles and sweat glands are two separate tissues. Hair grows from the hair follicle, while the sweat gland is next to the hair follicle. The two are not the same thing. Permanent hair removal destroys the hair follicle so that the hair no longer grows. It does not destroy the sweat glands, so it has no effect on sweating.


Can laser hair removal be done in one go?


Hair growth goes through three stages: growth phase, regression phase and resting phase. A large amount of melanin grows and is transported in the hair follicles in the growth phase, so the laser damages the hair follicles in the growth phase significantly, while the degenerative and quiescent hair follicles stop the related metabolism of melanin, so the laser treatment effect is poor in these two phases. Therefore, laser hair removal requires 3 to 5 or more times to complete permanent hair removal.


*Permanent hair removal ≠ Lifetime hair removal


Laser hair removal has the function of "permanent" hair removal, but many beauty seekers misunderstand that hair will not grow for life after treatment. In fact, this "permanent" is not really permanent. After laser or intense pulsed light treatment, it is just a The hair follicles in the growth phase are effective, but have no obvious effect on the hair in the degenerative and stationary phases.


To achieve long-lasting hair removal, multiple treatments are needed. Generally speaking, the hair removal rate can reach 90% after multiple treatments. During the treatment, the thick body hair gradually becomes thinner and thinner until it looks natural and beautiful.