Can laser hair removal permanently remove hair?
Source: | Author:adss | Published time: 2022-07-28 | 197 Views | Share:

In order to reduce hair, depilatory cream or shaving is commonly used for hair removal. Although the effect is fast, the disadvantages are also very obvious. The pores will become larger and larger, and the hair will grow faster and faster. If you want to really achieve effective hair removal, don't be a "kiwi" girl, laser hair removal can help you!


What is Laser Hair Removal?


Laser hair removal is to destroy the heat energy of the hair follicle tissue through the laser, so that the hair loses its ability to regenerate, and at the same time does not damage the surrounding tissue, and the pain is mild. In addition, laser hair removal takes advantage of the "selective photothermal effect" of lasers, using lasers tuned to specific wavelengths to pass through the epidermis and directly irradiate the hair follicles. The melanin in the hair follicle and hair shaft selectively absorbs light energy, and the resulting thermal effect causes the hair follicle to necrosis, and the hair no longer grows.


Can laser hair removal permanently remove hair?


Laser hair removal can basically achieve permanent hair removal. The current hair removal technology can destroy more than 95% of the hair follicles, which can effectively reduce the hair follicles for a long time, but even if most of the hair can be removed through multiple treatments, after 2-3 years or 5 years of observation, there will be some A small amount of hair is produced, and these small amounts of hair will not completely return to their original appearance. They are generally vellus hairs, which are thin, soft and small hairs.


Who can't have laser hair removal?


1. Those with scar constitution;

2. Patients with open wounds or infectious lesions at the treatment site;

3. Severe heart disease, a pacemaker or similar device implanted in the body;

4. Patients with severe diabetes, hyperthyroidism or advanced tumors;

5. It is strictly contraindicated for pregnant women and not recommended for lactating women;

6. The visiting doctor evaluates those who are not suitable for treatment.


What should I pay attention to before surgery?


1. Do not make up on the day, keep the area clean;

2. Women should avoid menstrual periods to avoid aggravating bruising and swelling; it is contraindicated during pregnancy and not recommended for breastfeeding women.


What should I pay attention to after surgery?


(0-3 days recovery period):

Recovery Tips: Local redness and swelling may occur, and it will take 1-3 days to recover.