What is opt hair removal?
Source: | Author:adss | Published time: 2022-07-29 | 220 Views | Share:

Opt hair removal is to use the characteristics of hair follicle melanocytes and normal epidermis that have a huge difference in the absorption rate of specific wavelengths and specific energy light irradiation (the principle of selective light absorption), through the absorption of intense pulsed light by the hair shaft. The heat is further transmitted to the hair follicle through the hair shaft, causing the dermal papilla in the hair follicle to contain a large amount of melanin to absorb energy and irreversible thermal damage, while the normal epidermis is not damaged, thereby preventing hair growth and achieving permanent hair removal.


OPT hair removal is a popular laser hair removal method at present. According to the principle of selective photothermal action, using a semiconductor laser hair removal device, the laser penetrates the surface of the skin to keep the hair follicle at a certain temperature, and gently inactivates the hair follicle and surrounding cells to achieve hair removal. the goal of.


Generally, OPT hair removal requires 3 to 5 times, with an interval of about 2 months between each time. Because the growth of hair is cyclical, only the hair in the growth period has high melanin content, and the hair removal effect is good, while the hair follicles in the transition period and the resting period have low melanin content, and the hair removal effect is poor.


Post-operative precautions:


1. After hair removal, patients should not use irritating skin care and cosmetics within 24 hours. It is recommended to use only cold water or cold water to cleanse the face.


2. If the hair removal treatment area is obviously red, it means that the skin may become very fragile. At this time, do not make up or rub the operation area, and apply cold compresses (not ice compresses).


3. Small scabs may form in individual parts after depilation, be careful not to scratch with your hands.


4. A very small number of patients may have severe reactions (such as redness or blisters) after hair removal, and should try to avoid abrasions. If they are damaged, antibiotic ointment can be applied to prevent infection.