Does OPT hair removal harm the skin
Source: | Author:adss | Published time: 2022-07-29 | 220 Views | Share:

1. Does OPT hair removal harm the skin?


The skin of the human body is a relatively light-transmitting structure. In front of a powerful OPT, the skin is simply a transparent cellophane. Therefore, the OPT can penetrate the skin and reach the hair follicle very smoothly. Because the hair follicle has a lot of melanin, it can be absorbed preferentially. A large amount of OPT energy is finally converted into heat energy, which increases the temperature of the hair follicle and achieves the purpose of destroying the function of the hair follicle.


In this process, since the skin does not absorb light energy relatively, or absorbs a small amount of light energy, the skin itself will not be damaged.


2. Will the hair become darker and darker?


Hair remaining after OPT treatment will become thinner and lighter in color. For people who use these methods for a long time, their hair will gradually become thicker, harder and darker.


3. Is the hair removal effect the same for everyone and all parts?

The frequency and effect of hair removal are related to the location, the color and thickness of the hair, and the type of skin. Usually, the whiter the skin tone, the darker and thicker the hair, the better the reaction, and the better the hair removal effect.


Advantages of OPT hair removal:


1.customized, permanent hair removal

According to the different hair growth cycle and the degree of hair thickness of the beauty seeker, tailor-made hair removal programs exclusively for her can effectively penetrate deep into the hair follicles, and permanently remove hair without regeneration.


2.Convenient and fast, hair removal is easier

The operation is simpler, and the hair removal speed is increased to 3-4 times as before, making it easier to remove large areas.


3.Safe and painless, protect the skin from zero damage

The contact cooling system not only destroys hair follicles, but also effectively protects normal skin from thermal damage, which is safe and painless.


4.Shrink pores and make skin more elastic

After hair removal, it can effectively shrink pores and avoid damage. Skin rejuvenation and hair removal are completed at the same time, and the skin will become more elastic after treatment.


After hair removal surgery, it is essential to maintain and consolidate the hair removal effect.


1.The skin after hair removal should not be exposed to the sun.


2.Don't take a bath, don't take a sauna, don't wash the hairy skin with too hot water, don't take a bath.

3.Can not eat spicy or strong irritating food

4.No other methods of hair removal are allowed. Either physical or chemical methods. Otherwise, dermatitis may occur, resulting in hyperpigmentation.

5.After the hair removal operation, the skin is more sensitive and prone to inflammation, so it is necessary to change the underwear in time.

6.Vitamin C can improve skin resistance, reduce pigment production, and add more vitamin C.

7.Do not squeeze, press or rub the red spots on the skin.

8.Try not to use cleaning products or skin care products to reduce the burden on the skin