Laser hair removal and freezing point hair removal which effect is better?
Source: | Author:adss | Published time: 2022-08-01 | 286 Views | Share:

Smooth skin can make a person look particularly attractive and temperamental, but some women in life have too much hair growing on their bodies because of their strong endocrine secretions, which will greatly reduce their personal image. Some beauty lovers want to achieve hair removal results through surgery. So, which effect is better, laser hair removal or freezing point hair removal?


1. Which effect is better between laser hair removal and freezing point hair removal?

Both laser hair removal and freezing point hair removal are very effective, and they each have their own advantages, so beauty lovers can choose the appropriate hair removal method according to their own hair conditions.


Laser hair removal surgery is to use the selective photothermal principle of laser to irradiate the hair follicle tissue on the surface of the skin of beauty lovers and make it necrotic, so that the purpose of hair removal can be achieved. This technology can not only make the hair lose its ability to regenerate, but also will not cause damage to the surrounding normal tissue, so it is a relatively safe hair removal method. Laser hair removal surgery generally takes 3 to 5 times to achieve the purpose of hair removal, but the specific course of treatment should be determined according to individual hair conditions.


Freezing point hair removal surgery is based on the principle of photothermal action, through the freezing point semiconductor freezing point hair removal device to act on the local hair follicle tissue, gently inactivating the hair follicle, so that the purpose of lasting hair removal can be achieved. Freezing point hair removal surgery can completely remove the hair follicles and hair shafts in the dermis, so it can achieve the purpose of complete hair removal. The operation is almost painless, so beauty lovers will not feel much pain during the operation.


2. How long does laser hair removal and freezing point hair removal take to recover?


Laser hair removal surgery can generally be recovered in about half a month, but the specific recovery time will also be affected by the physical condition and the factors of the nursing after the surgery, which determines all the recovery periods are different.


Freezing hair removal can take 5 to 7 days to fully recover, but you also need to do a good job of skin care.


3. How long can laser hair removal and freezing point hair removal last?

Laser hair removal can generally maintain a long-term hair removal effect, but because of the difference in the degree of individual hair growth, the growth cycle of body hair is different, and the number and time of hair removal will also be different. Laser hair removal treatment is about once every 2-3 months. If you want to achieve long-term hair removal effect, you need to perform laser hair removal 4-6 times, so that the hair can be completely eradicated. In addition, each person's postoperative care is different, so the specific maintenance time will also be different.


Freezing point hair removal is to use the selective photothermal effect of laser to act on the surface of the skin directly to the root of the hair, destroy the hair follicle tissue, and make the hair lose its ability to regenerate. The laser is only aimed at the hair in the growing period, and the hair follicles in the growing period are completely eliminated, and the effect of long-term hair removal can be achieved. The hair growth cycle is about 28 days, and each treatment needs to be separated by one month. Depending on the hair condition of each beauty seeker, the number of treatments will also vary.