How to choose a hair removal method?
Source: | Author:adss | Published time: 2022-08-02 | 239 Views | Share:

Beeswax hair removal can be relatively clean, but the problem is that it is really super, and the speed of growth is not so fast, but it will grow back in the end. This method is a disaster for sensitive skin, don't try it lightly.


With the blade, there is no pain, but it grows super fast, and it is prone to redness and stinging. It is possible that the hairs will grow into the flesh, and it will be uncomfortable after a few days.


Laser hair removal is also subdivided into freezing point, laser, pulse hair removal and the like according to different methods and machines. Laser hair removal can not be finished in one go, basically it takes 5-6 times to feel significantly reduced. I used freezing point hair removal to remove my armpits. After a few weeks, I found that the hair became very soft and light, but after using the blade, black hair began to grow back.


Today, I will share with you the popular science of laser hair removal!


1. How is laser hair removal done?


Unlike other hair removal methods, such as waxing, razor blades, plucking, or sugar brushing, laser hair removal is a specialized treatment that can help permanently remove unwanted hair (which other methods cannot). If you encounter an experienced beautician, use the correct equipment and precautions, the damage to the skin from the laser is also controllable (almost negligible).


The principle of laser hair removal is to use laser method for dark hair to completely destroy the hair follicle, so that the hair does not grow again. The light energy of the laser is converted into heat, which then indirectly damages hair-growing cells. These cells are very close to the pigment cells in the hair, causing the hair to fall out and not grow back. Because the laser targets the pigment, it has the highest success rate for people with dark hair and light skin, so the laser can quickly identify it. Because the laser is only for hair color and not our skin color, it is possible to burn the skin.


For people with light skin and hair color, or people with dark skin and dark hair, laser hair removal is not suitable for laser hair removal, because the laser cannot accurately target the hair.


2. Are there any risks or side effects?


At present, it has not been found that it may cause skin burns or skin pigmentation, but if you choose a doctor with good skills and reliable responsibility, (of course, good settings are also necessary) This situation generally does not happen. .


If there is slight redness and swelling, it usually disappears on its own within 1-3 days, so don't worry. If this happens to you, applying ice to the red and swollen area can be very effective in the first few hours of hair removal. Regarding the pain of the operation, it is related to the experience of the machine and the beautician. The person who operates the machine is different every time. The beautician who is responsible and attentive is basically painless. When encountering a very professional beautician, there is a feeling that a rubber band is snapping under the armpit.


3. What to do before hair removal?


One preparation that needs to be done is to use the blade to shave the hair in the area you want to depilate first, the first 24 hours is the best.


Shaving the hair on the surface of the skin can reduce the probability of the skin being scalded by the laser, and the beautician can also see the hair follicle clearly enough for them to scan the laser to this position more accurately. Just wash yourself before going to hair removal, never use beeswax to remove or pluck hair.


4. What is the process of hair removal?


Everyone is more concerned about whether it will hurt, but the answer is yes. Compared with beeswax, this is nothing, because this operation is very fast, so you don't know the pain and it's over. The pain feels like a hot rubber band is bouncing on you.


The time of the whole process depends on the size of your hair removal site. For example, some people may remove the lip hair in less than a minute. If it is the limbs, it may take 30-40 minutes.


5. What should I pay attention to after hair removal? How long does it take to work?


In fact, there is no special care that needs to be paid attention to after the laser. There is no special care that affects the life level. If there is tingling or redness, you can apply hydrogenated ointment and apply it for a few days. Avoid direct sunlight for 24 hours.


The effect can be seen on the spot, but it will continue to grow after a few weeks, and it will grow slowly and thinly, so don't worry. The hair below the neck generally needs to make an appointment for hair removal after 45 days. After 6 treatments, 75% of the hair is generally reduced, or the hair is removed permanently.


Finally, about the price, it depends entirely on the part of your hair removal, and the preferred instruments for different parts will be different, ranging from several hundred to tens of thousands. For example, there are hundreds of lip hairs, and almost 20,000 for limbs. The price seems to be different for men and women.