Common hair removal methods
Source: | Author:adss | Published time: 2022-08-03 | 238 Views | Share:

Common hair removal methods, such as hair removal cream, beeswax hair removal, razor and other methods, can only remove the hair on the surface, do not have any effect on the deep hair follicles, and cannot fundamentally remove hair!


For easy and complete hair removal, laser hair removal is more recommended! Fast, effective, and painless, while removing hair, it can also rejuvenate the skin, absolutely!


Laser hair removal is a hair removal technology that uses pulsed light of a specific wavelength (600-1100mm) to penetrate deep into the hair follicle, so that the melanin absorbs light energy to increase the local temperature, thereby destroying the hair follicle tissue and performing permanent hair removal.


Since laser hair removal is clean and thorough, more and more people are now choosing scientific hair removal methods.


For friends who have not tried laser hair removal, are they more curious about whether the hair removal process is painful? How many times does it take to get permanent hair removal? Here are some answers to some of the most frequently asked questions.


There is almost no discomfort in the laser hair removal process, but the sensitivity of different parts of the body is different, and there will be a feeling of heat.This is because the melanin in the hair follicle absorbs a lot of energy during the treatment and transmits much less energy to the rest of the surrounding skin tissue.


Only a small number of people will experience a slight redness after hair removal, which will subside after a few hours, and most people will not experience discomfort.


There are 3 phases of hair growth: anagen, telogen, and catagen.


The laser energy is mainly absorbed by the pigment particles to play a role, and there will be a large number of pigment particles in the hair and hair follicles in the growing phase. Therefore, the laser can eliminate the hair in the growing phase.


However, the melanin content of hair follicles in the degenerative and telogen phases is less, and the therapeutic effect of laser is relatively weak.The hair follicles in the degenerative and quiescent periods have to wait until they "wake up" before they can produce more melanin and are targeted and hit by the laser.This means that laser hair removal cannot be done at one time, and generally requires more than 6 times to achieve the effect of complete hair removal.


However, some people have strong hair and are more tenacious. After 5 or 6 times of hair removal, there is still a small amount. In this case, it is only necessary to add a few more times.After complete hair removal, it is generally possible to keep the hair growing for life, but there are also a small number of people who will grow a small amount of regenerated hair in the later 2-5 years.It should be noted that laser hair removal is a medical beauty behavior. You must choose a regular medical beauty institution or public hospital and find a professional to operate it.


If the hair removal agency is not carefully selected, it is very likely that non-professionals will operate, and errors in the grasp of temperature and parameters will lead to burns, post-inflammatory pigmentation problems, and even severe scarring.