Expertise in Laser Hair Removal
Source: | Author:adss | Published time: 2022-08-09 | 246 Views | Share:

With the arrival of the hair removal season, have you found many problems? What should we pay attention to in the process of hair removal? To answer your questions.


Point 1: What is the clinical endpoint of hair removal?


1. There is a smell of burnt hair, a smell of burnt hair,

2. There are scattered small red papules.

3. The patient will feel hot sting.

Therefore, we must remember to achieve clinical endpoints when we do clinical operations.


The second point: Be sure to remember to shave the hair clean when depilating.


If the hair is not shaved during hair removal, the burning of the hair will cause the epidermis to burn, which is not conducive to hair removal.


The third point: when doing hair removal, do not apply cold gel when the hand tool can be attached to the skin.


The function of cold gel is to conduct cold, and there is no cooling effect in itself, and after applying cold gel, cold gel can easily block our hair follicle infundibulum, which may cause symptoms such as folliculitis, so after applying cold gel operation Be sure to remember to clean in place.


Fourth point: The general interval of hair removal is one month.


Because the skin has a recovery period of 28 days, and the hair has a growth cycle, that is, the growth phase, the regression phase and the stationary phase, and hair removal only works on the growth phase hair, so we say that we remove hair once a month.


Hair removal is still growing many times, what is the reason?


1. Failure to achieve clinical endpoints (80% of the reasons).


2. It is not easy to complete the hair removal in the small and light color parts, because it is closer to the state of hair removal in our medicine.


3. Abnormal levels of estrogen and androgen secretion in the client's body.


4. The number of hair removal in different parts is also different.


If it is said that the customer's hair has become lighter and thinner after the treatment, it proves that our hair removal is effective. At this time, we just continue to operate.


Will hair removal affect perspiration?


The answer is negative. Because perspiration is the work of apocrine and eccrine glands, our eccrine glands open directly on the surface of the skin, and the openings of apocrine glands are at the openings of our sebaceous glands. When we do hair removal, we target our dermal papilla, the hair matrix, and our hair bulb, which has no effect on the large and small sweat glands. So hair removal does not affect our perspiration.