Summer hair removal depends on shaving? Learn about laser hair removal
Source: | Author:adss | Published time: 2022-08-12 | 348 Views | Share:

The summer is scorching hot, and in the blink of an eye, the dog days will soon enter. The beautiful fairies are wearing shorts, skirts and bikinis, hoping to show their fair and delicate skin in summer.

In order to remove hair, all kinds of razors, beeswax hair removal, and hair removal cream are used, but the hair not only does not fall off, but also causes folliculitis, allergies and other discomforts... And these hair removal methods have a common problem: Only "temporary" hair removal.

In clinical practice, it is common to see patients who have improperly removed their own traditional hair. The condition is usually red and swollen, which is nothing more than folliculitis, contact dermatitis, chemical burns, or even infection, severe folliculitis or Open wounds, coupled with the often wet and stuffy areas where hair is removed, often lead to infection and, if not care, cellulitis.

Is there a scientific method of hair removal that is safe, effective and free of side effects? There really is. Today, Dr. Yan will share with you all-round popularization of laser hair removal.

01 What is laser hair removal?

Laser hair removal, as the name suggests, is a way to remove hair on the body surface through the selective photothermal effect of lasers (Selective Photothemolysis).

By reasonably adjusting the wavelength, energy and pulse width of the laser (or pulsed light), the laser penetrates the skin surface and reaches the root hair follicle of the hair at a specific depth, and is preferentially absorbed and converted into heat energy by the melanin in the hair follicle, thereby destroying the hair follicle tissue and making the Hair loses its ability to regenerate without destroying the rest of the surrounding skin tissue.

Because hair grows cyclically, it is divided into growth phase, recession phase, and telogen phase. When we do laser hair removal, we can only remove hair in the growth phase; as for the hair follicles in the recession phase and telogen phase, there is almost no effect.

In theory, there is no such thing as "complete permanent hair removal", and generally, laser hair removal requires 6-8 courses of treatment, with an interval of 4-6 weeks between each time, to get more significant results.

Less damage: The energy of the laser only acts on the hair follicles and hair shafts, and there is almost no damage to the surrounding normal skin tissue if it is properly operated.

Long-lasting effect: Laser hair removal can achieve a more significant effect after 6-8 times, with an interval of 4-6 weeks.

Low pain: Many physical hair removal methods can be summarized as "pulling and pulling", not only the pain effect is poor, but laser hair removal only has some burning sensation, which is basically tolerable.

02 Does laser hair removal affect perspiration?

Although laser hair removal is a mature surgery with many years of clinical experience, there are still people who are wondering: laser hair removal will destroy hair follicles, so will it affect skin perspiration?

Conclusion: Laser hair removal does not affect perspiration.

Human skin perspiration is mainly carried out through the eccrine glands, and the openings are not in the hair follicles. To put it bluntly, the eccrine glands and hair follicles are two completely different skin appendages, and there is no relationship between them.

When we perform laser hair removal, experienced doctors will adjust the laser with a specific wavelength and energy according to the customer's skin color, hair growth site, hair color, density and hair thickness. The energy of the laser will be preferentially absorbed by the melanin in the hair follicle. , resulting in the effect of "target blasting".

The eccrine glands are controlled by the sympathetic nerves, which do not contain melanin, and are hardly affected by laser light, so they do not affect the body's perspiration function.

03 Why does itching occur at the treatment site?

Don't panic when these symptoms appear, because this is not a side effect or a complication.

There are great differences in human physique. Some people are born with dark and dense hair, and the diameter of the hair is thicker. When laser hair removal is performed, the hair follicle will have a stronger response to local light absorption and heat. There may be an erythema reaction at the hair follicle accompanied by a certain degree of itching.

In addition, some people's skin is inherently dry, and the heat reaction from laser treatment can further reduce the skin's moisture content, which in turn can lead to itchy skin.Faced with this situation, cold compresses can be appropriately applied to the itching area, and topical emollients and moisturizing products can also relieve symptoms. For one week after the treatment, try to wear light cotton long-sleeved trousers, keep dry, and do a good job of moisturizing and physical sunscreen. This itching will gradually disappear within a week.

If the symptoms do not improve after using the above measures, it may be skin inflammation caused by other comprehensive reasons. It is recommended to make an appointment with a professional doctor and take corresponding measures.

04 Other Notes

Who is not suitable for laser hair removal?

There are contraindications for laser hair removal, such as breastfeeding and pregnancy, taking photosensitivity drugs, having photosensitivity diseases, partial skin damage, hair on pigmented moles, etc. These conditions may not be suitable for laser hair removal treatment, it is recommended Best to see a professional doctor first.

·What should I pay attention to before and after treatment?

Before hair removal, be sure to remember! ! ! It is best to shave the hair on the area you want to remove with a hygienic razor a day or two beforehand.

In this way, on the day of laser hair removal, the hair on the hair removal area will grow just a little bit, which can ensure that the hair follicles in the hair removal area absorb enough heat energy, but will not absorb too much heat energy due to too much hair. scald.

Conversely, if you shave on the same day, or pluck the hair before laser hair removal, the effect of laser hair removal will be greatly reduced.After hair removal, be sure to clean the hair removal area with cold water, use low-irritant facial cleanser and shower gel as much as possible, and strengthen local skin moisturizing and sun protection.

· Can laser hair removal be done in a beauty salon?

Beauty salons can only carry out life beauty items, and laser hair removal is a medical beauty item. Improper operation may cause burns, so in order to ensure your treatment safety and postoperative effect, please choose professional and experienced doctors for hair removal.