Which is better, freezing point hair removal or laser hair removal?
Source: | Author:adss | Published time: 2022-10-28 | 375 Views | Share:

In order to effectively remove hair, there are actually many medical and cosmetic methods for hair removal, such as laser hair removal and freezing point hair removal, which can let you get rid of hairy hair.


SO, what is the difference between laser hair removal and freezing point hair removal? Which effect is better? This is a question that troubles many people.


The difference between laser hair removal and freezing point hair removal


First, the principle is different


1. Laser hair removal

It can preferentially absorb a large amount of laser energy and convert it into heat energy, so that the temperature of the hair follicle can be increased to achieve the purpose of destroying the hair follicle, thereby effectively removing hair without damaging the surrounding skin.

2. Freezing point hair removal

The characteristic of freezing point laser hair removal is that the laser wavelength can penetrate into the deep layers of the skin and subcutaneous adipose tissue, selectively act on the hair follicles in different parts and depths, and quickly remove hairs in any part and depth of the human body. The double-pulse laser of freezing point hair removal can avoid skin burning, feel less pain, and can focus on heating the hair follicles for powerful hair removal.


Second, the treatment effect is different


1. Laser hair removal

The effect of hair removal is good, but the effect of a single treatment is limited, because there are three cycles of hair follicle growth, and the laser needs to be done according to the growth of the hair follicle. Generally, it takes 3-6 laser hair removal treatments to remove hair.


2. Freezing point hair removal

The hair removal effect is good, and it also requires multiple treatments to reflect the hair removal effect. The number of times of hair removal for freezing point hair removal will be different for different parts. Generally, people with thick hair want freezing point hair removal to have good results, and they also need to do freezing point hair removal multiple times.


Which is better, freezing point hair removal or laser hair removal?

Compared with traditional laser hair removal, freezing point hair removal is painless and fast.

Freezing point hair removal steps


Step 1: Prepare the skin. The term is called skin preparation. In layman's terms, it is called shaving, that is, using a disposable hair removal knife to shave off all the hair on the surface of the arms, so that when the hair removal is in progress, the light waves can "uproot" the hair roots. Before skin preparation, please keep the hair removal area clean to ensure the effect. 


Step 2: Gel. Apply the gel with cooling and cooling effect to the hair removal area to maximize the protection of the skin and minimize the discomfort during the hair removal process. To make the inner side of the arm free of hair, you can also apply an appropriate amount of gel evenly. When the hair is removed, it will receive "intimate contact" with light waves to achieve the effect of firming the skin. 


Step 3: Freezing point hair removal. The strength is evenly repeated at the hair removal site, allowing the light wave to completely "encircle and suppress" the roots of the hair. As the intensity of the light increases, the skin feels more and more intense. The use of light waves is different, and the area of hair removal and pain are different each time: the area of hair removal at freezing point is relatively large, and there is no pain.


Step 4: Cleaning. Gently scrape off the gel and rinse with water, then quickly hydrate and apply sunscreen.


Hair removal knowledge


1. Not suitable for hair removal during menstruation

When women are menstruating, they are more sensitive to pain, and their resistance is weak, and the state of their skin is very unstable. Therefore, they should avoid hair removal as much as possible to avoid unnecessary damage to their skin and body.


2. Hair removal should not be too frequent

It takes 6 to 8 weeks after laser hair removal to achieve the desired effect, so hair removal should not be too frequent.


3. Be sure to pay attention to sun protection before and after hair removal

Sun exposure can make our skin more susceptible to damage, in order to protect our skin, it is necessary to avoid strong sun exposure for a week before and after hair removal.


For safer and more effective hair removal, it is recommended that friends who need hair removal go to a regular hospital, and it is more secure to find a professional doctor to do hair removal projects.