Summary Of Laser Hair Removal Issues|DPL Hair Removal
Source: | Author:adss | Published time: 2023-03-21 | 819 Views | Share:

Laser hair removal is very popular in beauty projects. With the increasing pursuit of beauty, the demand for laser hair removal projects has also become greater. Then when faced with laser hair removal, people will have many questions, the following is a summary of these questions.

How does laser hair removal work?


Laser hair removal is based on selective photothermal action, with melanin as the target. After the melanin absorbs light energy, the temperature rises, thereby destroying the hair follicles, achieving the purpose of hair removal and inhibiting hair growth.

The laser has a better effect on hair that is thicker in diameter, darker in color, and has a greater contrast with the normal skin color next to it, so it has a better hair removal effect on these parts.

●Small area: such as armpits, bikini area 

●Larger area: such as arms, legs, chest


Some people will say that it is too early to remove hair in summer? 

What are the advantages of spring hair removal?

1 Hair cycle problems

Hair has a growth cycle, which is divided into growth phase, regression phase and resting phase.

During the degenerative and resting periods, the hair follicles are in a state of atrophy, the melanin content is low, and the laser energy is rarely absorbed; during the growth period, the hair follicles are in the growth stage again and are most sensitive to laser treatment, so laser hair removal is more effective for hair follicles in the growth period. good.


At the same time, the hair does not grow synchronously. For example, some of the tens of thousands of hairs on the same part are in the growth phase, and some are in the regression or resting phase. Therefore, in order to achieve a more comprehensive treatment effect, multiple treatments are required.


In addition, even the hair follicles in the growth period are usually relatively tenacious, and it takes multiple laser beatings to obtain a better hair removal effect.


The above-mentioned treatment process generally takes 4-6 times and lasts for half a year. If the treatment is started in January and February in spring, the ideal effect will be achieved in June and July in summer.

DPL Hair Removal 


2 Postoperative care issues

After receiving laser treatment, be sure to pay attention to sun protection, avoid direct sunlight, and give the skin time to rest and recover. From this point of view, it seems troublesome to have higher nursing requirements after hair removal in summer, after all, bare hands and feet are exposed.


During the interval between the two treatments, if the hair grows out, it is not recommended to shave/pluck the hair by yourself, and wait until the next treatment before handing it over to the doctor/nurse. During this embarrassing period, spring is at least better than summer.

Can laser hair removal be done once and for all?


Theoretically, it can be permanent, but it is difficult to operate in practice.

When we talk about permanent hair removal, we mean a long-term and stable reduction in the number of hairs, not a complete cessation of hair growth. After the course of treatment, most of the hair in the treatment area will fall off, leaving behind slender vellus hair, but these effects are not significant, and the expected laser hair removal effect has been achieved.



Who is not suitable for it?


❶People who have a recent history of sun exposure cannot have laser hair removal.

❷The part that needs hair removal should not have skin diseases, such as acne and eczema.

❸ Try not to do severe keloids and tattoos, and the point is not to remove hair.

❹Women during pregnancy and lactation.

Stationary DPL Hair Removal

What are the adverse reactions after surgery?


The current laser hair removal technology is very mature, as long as it is operated properly, the chance of side effects is very small. Equipped with freezing point technology, it can reduce pain and reduce damage to non-target tissues.

Some people may experience slight redness and burning sensation after treatment. Apply cold compress for 30 minutes, and it will disappear on its own after 24 hours. Generally, it is not a big problem.


If the operating energy is too high, blisters or even scars may appear; some people may also have acne-like rashes after facial hair removal, which may induce herpes simplex virus infection.

Therefore, we have always emphasized that it is really important to choose a regular hospital/institution. The doctor's assessment, diagnosis and operation of the patient's skin must not be sloppy in every link.