Do boys choose the right method for hair removal?
Source: | Author:佚名 | Published time: 2021-12-31 | 259 Views | Share:

For boys, the right amount of body hair will make you look masculine, but too "savage growth" hair not only brings a lot of inconvenience to yourself, but also makes others feel that you are dirty. More and more boys are choosing to take off some excess hair appropriately to make their image look more refreshing and stylish.


There is no way to permanently exterminate hair in the world.


Autonomous hair removal refers to shaving the epidermal hair, and the growth rate will be faster. Laser hair removal can penetrate the surface of the skin to reach the hair follicles at the roots of the hair, destroying the hair follicle tissue, so that part of the hair loses the ability to regenerate or grows extremely slowly, thereby achieving the purpose of hair removal.

Repeated laser hair removal can achieve the effect similar to "permanent" hair removal. Due to the individual differences of each person, some small hairs may grow out, which can be easily solved by removing it regularly.


The hazards of incorrect hair removal


1.Razor for sensitive skin


A common and simple method for hair removal is to use a hair removal knife. It is especially suitable for people who are afraid of pain and some people who cannot use hair removal cream with sensitive skin. The operation is simple, but be careful. It is easy to scratch the skin. A razor is generally used. To remove some fine hairs on the face, arms and legs.


But be aware that the hair will grow out very quickly and requires frequent shaving. The shaving knife should be kept clean. It is good to be used by one person and not shared with others to avoid infection or infection. For other diseases, it is better to use a razor alone.


2. Use hair removal cream for people who are afraid of pain


Depilatory cream is also a common method of hair removal. If you are not allergic to depilatory cream and are more afraid of pain, it is suitable to use depilatory cream to remove your hair.


However, frequent use of depilatory cream will cause the skin to become red and swollen and even cause rashes. So people with sensitive skin should use it carefully.


3. beeswax, patch hair removal thoroughly


beeswax hair removal is suitable for removing body hair on arms, legs, and underarms. The specific method is to apply the beeswax evenly on the skin, close it tightly to the skin, and then cover the gauze, lift the gauze by pulling, and pull out the hairs by roots.


Using this method can remove a large piece of body hair at one time, even if the hair grows out again is relatively soft. However, it can cause pain when used. In addition, the chemically synthesized beeswax can cause skin irritation. When tearing, it is easy for the remaining body hair to remain in the pores. Once half of the broken hair ends are pierced into the hair follicles, it may cause folliculitis.


Advantages of laser hair removal:


1. Use a specific wavelength for treatment: the laser can be fully selectively absorbed by melanin, and the laser can effectively penetrate the skin to reach the position of the hair follicle.


2. For better hair removal effect, the laser pulse time required is related to the thickness of the hair. Thicker hair requires a longer laser action time, which can achieve the desired effect without damaging the skin.


3. Laser hair removal treatment will not cause pigmentation on the skin surface after hair removal like traditional hair removal methods. This is because the skin absorbs less laser light during laser hair removal treatment, which will gradually fade in the later stage.


4. The use of the cooling system effectively protects the skin from being burned by the laser during the whole process.


The above are a few reference content about the benefits of laser hair removal, but you should not be superstitious about laser hair removal. You should combine your own situation with the advice given by your doctor. Choose the most suitable surgical plan for you. There are many benefits of laser hair removal, but it is also important to choose the method that suits you. At the same time, try to choose reliable medical institutions to ensure their own safety. Otherwise, no matter how many benefits of laser hair removal are, it is useless.