The truth about laser hair removal
Source: | Author:佚名 | Published time: 2021-12-31 | 274 Views | Share:

Laser hair removal is a permanent method of hair removal that can damage or destroy hair follicles.However, the hair is likely to grow again. If the hair follicles are damaged but not completely destroyed during the laser hair removal process, there is a high chance of hair re-growth.

Therefore, many doctors now regard laser hair removal as permanent hair removal rather than permanent hair removal.


Want to know the principle and durability of laser hair removal? Keep looking down!


What is the principle of laser hair removal?


Laser hair removal is the use of lasers to align the pigments of each hair. The laser goes down the hair, reaches the root and enters the hair follicle.


The heat generated by the laser will destroy the hair follicles, and the hair will not grow again.


Hair follows a unique growth cycle, including dormancy, shedding, and growth periods. Shortly after the hair removal, the hair is in the dormant stage, and the technician or laser cannot recognize it at this time. Therefore, if you want to continue hair removal, you have to wait for the hair to grow back.

For most people, laser hair removal requires multiple treatments within 2 to 3 months.


Is laser hair removal permanent?


If the hair follicles have been necrotic, the hair removal is permanent, but it is expected that hair will grow again on the hair removal area.


Over time, people can treat the same depilated area again, thereby reducing the number of hairs that grow again. In some cases, it is possible to completely remove all hair.


Whether the hair will grow again depends on many factors, including the type of hair that will grow again and the technique of the hair removal technician.



If the hair follicle is damaged but not necrotiMost people find that the hair that grows again is lighter and thinner, which is less obvious than before. This is because the laser has damaged the hair follicles, even if there is no necrosis, the hair follicles are already damaged.

c, the hair will eventually grow back. It is not easy to destroy all the hair follicles one by one, so most people will continue to grow their hair even after laser hair removal.


In some cases, the hair may be too light in color, too short in length, and too strong to handle. At this time, people can choose to use other hair removal methods, such as pulling it out.


How long can laser hair removal last?


As mentioned above, when the hair follicle is necrotic, laser hair removal is permanent. If the hair follicle is only damaged, the hair will grow again.


The length of time for hair to grow again depends on each individual's unique hair growth cycle. Some people’s hair grows faster than others. Hair in the dormant phase grows slower than hair in other phases.


Will skin tone and hair color affect the effect of hair removal?


People with light skin color and dark hair have the best hair removal results. Because the pigment contrast between skin and hair is large, the laser can easily locate the hair, enter the hair follicle, and then break it.


People with darker skin tones and lighter hair may need more hair removal treatments and will grow more hair again.


In order to remove the hair permanently, the technician must know how to align the hair and choose the correct laser type. A study published in 2013 showed that using a longer-wavelength laser for dark-skinned people has the best hair removal effect.


Side effects and risks


During hair removal, some people experience burning, tingling or discomfort. Therefore, many technicians will apply a local anesthetic ointment to the hair removal area. However, some people may have an allergic reaction or skin irritation to anesthetic ointments.