Hair removal can actually rejuvenate the skin!
Source: | Author:佚名 | Published time: 2021-12-31 | 280 Views | Share:

Who doesn't want to have glamorous skin that is clean, flawless, supple and smooth. However, it is counterproductive. Many women are being troubled by the grass in armpits, legs and so on. Hair removal is a compulsory course for beauties. How can we successfully remove hair? Tian Yongcheng plastic surgery freezing point hair removal, let you completely remove hair, beautiful for a lifetime.


Wrong hair removal will make you lose more and more?


Razor hair removal, thickened keratin, dull complexion?


Using a razor to remove hair, if the shaving direction is wrong or the shaving knife is not sharp enough, it will rub the skin and cause keratin to accumulate and thicken. In addition, the razor cannot damage the hair follicles, and the hair will still grow with the growth cycle. Razor hair removal will only further make the skin tone dull and uneven, greatly affecting the appearance.


The plucker removes hair, are the pores thick and large?


Because of the strong power of the plucker, the pain caused to the skin is also greater. The body hair gets thicker the closer to the root. When the hair is pulled out vigorously by roots, that is, the hair that is not ready to emerge from the pores is also pulled out. The pores will naturally be propped up by the roots, making the pores larger.


Frequent hair loss develops into folliculitis?


When using a razor, pliers, or beeswax to remove hair, some of the hair may still remain in the pores. If half of the hair is broken or the newly grown hair ends will not find an exit, it will pierce into the hair follicle and cause the hair to regenerate. Improper cleaning or care can develop into folliculitis.


Why can't the effect of hair removal last?


Hair follicles have a growth cycle, which can be divided into three stages, namely the growth period, the transition period and the resting period. Traditional razor hair removal or tongs can only remove the hair temporarily, but the hair follicles still exist. The use of chemicals such as depilatory cream can only dissolve the hair structure without any inhibitory effect on the hair follicles. With the metabolism, hair will inevitably grow out again, so removing hair with these methods is only a temporary cure, not a permanent cure.


Advantages of IPL hair removal:


Photon hair removal is currently the most advanced permanent hair removal method. It has the advantages of strong targeted hair removal, significant curative effect, simple operation, fast speed, no scars, and no side effects.


Principle of action:

Hair growth has a certain regularity. Its growth cycle can be divided into three stages, namely the growth period, the maturity period, and the resting period. IPL is the abbreviation of intense pulsed light, it can penetrate the epidermis, effectively destroy the hair follicles of the hair in the growth phase, hinder and stop the growth of the hair; after each photon treatment, the damaged hair will fall off by itself. This phenomenon generally occurs It lasts for about one to two months, and after about a course of treatment, that is, three to four photon hair removal treatments, the hair can be completely removed, and it will never grow again.


At the same time, it can cause chemical changes in the molecular structure of collagen fibers and elastic fibers in the dermis, and promote skin collagen regeneration and rearrangement.


Advantages of whitening and rejuvenation:   


While hair removal, it can restore the original elasticity of the skin, eliminate or reduce wrinkles, and shrink pores. Improve skin texture, complexion and tighten skin. It can solve mild skin problems such as mild keratosis and uneven skin tone. One of the major advantages of IPL is that the light spot is large, so the hair removal speed is very fast.