To remove lip hair, you must choose the right method
Source: | Author:佚名 | Published time: 2022-01-04 | 220 Views | Share:

In daily life, some women always have a faint beard on their lips, which looks very unsightly. This situation makes many girls very distressed. How can we solve this embarrassing phenomenon? The following is for you Introduce the method of lip hair removal, let you easily remove the beard on the lips.


Why do girls have moustaches?


Lip hair is a type of body hair. Medically, it is believed that female growth beard may be related to endocrine disorders, abnormal estrogen and male hormones in the body, or polycystic ovary syndrome. If it is caused by polycystic ovary syndrome, in addition to the feature of excessive body hair, there are also obesity, amenorrhea, and infertility.


Of course, there are many reasons for heavy lip hair, some are congenital, some are acquired, and some are iatrogenic. But no matter what the reason is, it is certainly not a beautiful thing for a woman to have thick lip hair like a man's moustache.


How can girls take off their lip hair reliably?


1 .I don't say you also know


Like removing body hair from other places, we are all familiar with the methods of hair removal cream, beeswax, patch, and razor, but these treatment methods have a disadvantage, that is, they cannot be completely removed and must be removed frequently. Moreover, frequent stimulation of hair follicles may lead to longer and thicker body hair.


2 .Relatively reliable method


Laser hair removal is a relatively mature hair removal surgery, and many doctors will recommend it. It has the advantages of no pain, once and for all, quick wound healing, and low risk of infection. Although part of the hair may be regenerated after laser hair removal, the new hair will become slender and not obvious. Its disadvantage is that it is not suitable for people with dark skin. If the skin color is dark, the laser will destroy the skin pigment and cause white or dark spots. It often takes several months to recover gradually.


PS: After laser hair removal, be careful not to wash your face with overheated water to irritate the skin, and also pay attention to sun protection during the interval between treatments, so that the skin will not be damaged again due to exposure to the sun.


3. You must listen to this method for the first time


Bleaching, bleaching, bleaching. In fact, there are countless small hairs on our faces, but many of them are not visible because of the light color. Therefore, it is very reliable to use bleaching method to remove lip hair, but this method is only suitable for girls with less serious lip hair. After all, if the lip hair grows fast, it is too late to bleach every day~


Regarding how girls get rid of lip hair, experts point out that the use of melanocytes in hair follicles to absorb specific wavelengths of light causes the hair follicles to generate heat and selectively destroy the hair follicles. The heat emitted by the light can be conducted to the deep part of the hair follicle through the cross-section of the hair shaft, so that the temperature of the hair follicle is rapidly increased, thereby achieving the effect of removing the hair while avoiding damage to the surrounding tissues.


The light-controllable pulsed light with suitable energy is absorbed by the hair follicle tissue, and precisely destroys the two important components in the hair follicle, namely, the hair convexity and the hair papilla. The light application broad-spectrum technology provides a gentle, non-invasive treatment. The strong pulsed light emitted by the special waveband can penetrate the skin directly to the deep part of the hair follicle, so that the temperature of the hair follicle will rise rapidly until it coagulates and becomes necrotic, achieving permanent hair removal. Effect.