So what is the process of laser hair removal?
Source: | Author:adss | Published time: 2022-07-11 | 235 Views | Share:

Whenever spring and summer come, many beauty lovers start to worry about too much body hair, because the existence of body hair makes many people dare not wear those beautiful and sexy clothes, unable to show their wonderful figure, there is laser permanent hair removal. can help them solve their problems.


Many people have a misunderstanding about permanent hair removal, thinking that permanent hair removal means that it will stop growing after one time. However, because human hair also has a growth cycle, it is mainly divided into three phases: growth phase, regression phase, and resting phase. Every day, old hair falls out naturally, and new hair grows gradually at the same time. Since the number of hairs lost is roughly balanced with the number of hairs grown, it seems that the number of hairs is always there, but in fact, some hair follicles are in the telogen phase and there is no phenomenon of hair emerging.


Laser hair removal mainly works on the hair in the growth phase, and is basically ineffective for the hair in the degenerative and telogen phase. It must wait for this part of the hair to circulate to the next growth phase before treatment. This hair enters the growth phase. A continuous cycle process, rather than growing together. Therefore, laser hair removal generally requires 3-5 times of treatment or even more times to achieve a better hair removal effect, but these are still determined according to the situation of the beauty lovers themselves.


So what is the process of laser hair removal?


1. Prepare the skin first (that is, shave off the hair first), and then apply the gel. This gel has a cooling and cooling effect. When applied to the hair removal area, it can protect the skin to the greatest extent and minimize the discomfort during the hair removal process.


2. After applying the gel, the laser hair removal doctor will aim the laser gun at the hair follicles of the beauty lovers, and start to repeatedly touch the hair removal area with even force, so that the light waves can completely "encircle and suppress" the roots of the hair. There is a little discomfort, it will feel like being snapped by a rubber band.


3. After the completion, the laser hair removal doctor will gently scrape off the gel for the beauty lovers, rinse with water, hydrate the skin, and apply sunscreen.