The difference between laser hair removal and freezing point hair removal
Source: | Author:adss | Published time: 2022-07-11 | 195 Views | Share:

Laser hair removal and freezing point hair removal are two common hair removal items in the hospital, so what is the difference between freezing point hair removal and laser hair removal? Before summer really comes, beauty lovers with thicker hair can choose the best hair removal method according to their needs.

The difference between laser hair removal and freezing point hair removal: the principle is different

laser hair removal

Laser hair removal can preferentially absorb a large amount of laser energy and finally convert it into heat energy, which increases the temperature of the hair follicle and achieves the purpose of destroying the function of the hair follicle, thereby effectively removing hair without damaging the surrounding skin.

Freezing point hair removal

The characteristic of freezing point laser hair removal is that the laser wavelength can penetrate into the deep layer of the dermis and subcutaneous adipose tissue, selectively act on the hair follicles of different parts and depths, and quickly and thoroughly remove hair in any part and depth of the human body. The double-pulse laser of freezing point hair removal can avoid skin burning, feel less pain, and can focus on heating the hair follicles for powerful hair removal.

The difference between laser hair removal and freezing point hair removal: the pain is different

laser hair removal

Laser hair removal is painful, and the pain is stronger than freezing point hair removal. This is because the skin absorbs a large amount of laser energy and finally converts it into heat energy, which increases the temperature of the hair follicle and destroys the function of the hair follicle, so you will feel hot and mild. tingling.

Freezing point hair removal

The pain is not strong. The photoelectric pulse mode and repeated shocks used in freezing point hair removal remove hair. The first laser pulse heats the skin tissue and hair follicles, and the second pulse selectively increases the temperature of the hair follicles to about 45 degrees, because the temperature It's not high, it just makes people feel warm, so most people won't feel pain.

The difference between laser hair removal and freezing point hair removal: different side effects

laser hair removal

Laser hair removal has more side effects than freezing point hair removal. Improper operation will cause pigmentation, and improper operation will easily burn the skin. To ensure the safety of laser hair removal, you must choose regular hospitals and professional doctors to do it.

Freezing point hair removal

Freezing point hair removal has fewer side effects than laser hair removal. Some patients may experience temporary redness or swelling, or even mild skin itching during freezing point hair removal treatment. The redness and swelling subside within a few hours after treatment, and the skin returns to normal. The laser does not damage the skin, so no treatment is required. There is little discomfort after freezing point hair removal, and it does not affect normal life and work.

The difference between laser hair removal and freezing point hair removal: different treatment effects

laser hair removal

The hair removal effect is good, but the effect of a single treatment is limited, because the hair follicle grows in three cycles, and the laser needs to be done according to the growth of the hair follicle. Generally, it takes 3-6 laser hair removal treatments to completely remove the hair.

Freezing point hair removal

The hair removal effect is remarkable, and it also requires multiple treatments to reflect the final hair removal effect. The number of times of hair removal for different parts of the freezing point hair removal will be different. Generally, people with thick hair want the freezing point hair removal to have a thorough effect, and they also need to do the freezing point hair removal multiple times.

Laser hair removal or freezing point hair removal which is better

By comparing the four differences between laser hair removal and freezing point hair removal, we can find that freezing point hair removal is currently a better hair removal method than laser hair removal. Since the doctor's experience is the guarantee of the effect of freezing point hair removal, in order to achieve more effective and safer hair removal, we recommend that fairies who need hair removal find a professional doctor for freezing point hair removal in a regular hospital.