What Is The Principle Of Laser Hair Removal?
Source: | Author:adss | Published time: 2022-07-12 | 241 Views | Share:

The weather is getting hotter, and it is the season of showing arms and calves again. Many beauty lovers have also started their beauty journey - laser hair removal. The effect of laser hair removal is obvious, and it is more and more sought after by beauty lovers. However, many beauty seekers do not fully understand the mechanism of laser hair removal, whether they are suitable for laser hair removal treatment, or how to remove hair safely and regularly.


1. What is the principle of laser hair removal?


Due to the abundant melanin in hair follicles and hair shafts, under the action of a specific wavelength of laser, melanin is used as the target chromophore, and the melanin in the hair shaft absorbs light energy and converts it into heat energy, causing its temperature to rise sharply. Under the conditions that match the thermal damage time of the hair follicle tissue, the heat energy is transmitted to the hair follicle bulge and hair root through the protein in the hair shaft, resulting in irreversible damage to the hair follicle stem cells or the dermal papilla, thereby effectively destroying the hair follicle tissue. Reduces hair regrowth, delays regrowth and makes regenerated hair thinner and lighter.

Because hair grows in cycles, it is divided into growth phase, regression phase, and resting phase. Laser hair removal is 75% effective in the growing period, 25% in the degenerative period, and almost ineffective in the resting period. Therefore, multiple treatments are generally required to achieve a near-permanent hair removal effect.


2. What are the common laser hair removal instruments?


OPT hair removal device, 360 magneto-optical hair removal device, DPL hair removal device, 808 semiconductor hair removal device.


3. Who is not suitable for laser hair removal?


Laser hair removal has become the main method for removing excess hair due to its convenience, safety and efficiency. However, not everyone is suitable for laser hair removal. The following types of people are not suitable for laser hair removal:

1. Those with allergies or scars;

2. Syphilis, AIDS, hepatitis, skin inflammation infection;

3. Blood diseases and coagulation disorders;

4. Women who are menstruating;

5. Recently taking retinoids, vasodilators, anti-arthralgia drugs;

6. Those who are allergic to hydroquinone or other bleaching agents.

7. Have used other methods (such as waxing) for hair removal within 6 weeks.

8. Do skin color test, black skin is not suitable.


4. How to properly and safely laser hair removal?


According to the "Catalogue of Hierarchical Management of Medical Beauty Projects", laser hair removal belongs to the category of medical beauty. It is a minimally invasive treatment project in cosmetic dermatology. "

1. Look at the qualifications of the organization. Formal medical beauty institutions must obtain a "Medical Institution Practice License" or a clinic record certificate, and their diagnosis and treatment subjects should have a cosmetic dermatology department.

2. Look at the qualifications of the personnel. Medical aesthetic doctors must hold the "Physician Qualification Certificate" and "Physician Practicing Certificate", and their scope of practice should be dermatology and venereal diseases, and have the qualifications of attending physicians in cosmetic dermatology.

3. Look at the environment. Laser hair removal is a medical cosmetic behavior and should be performed in the treatment room or operating room of a medical institution. Laser hair removal items and charges should be publicized, and a medical receipt (invoice) should be issued.

4. Look at the process. Regular medical beauty institutions will fully communicate with you whether laser hair removal is suitable for laser hair removal, possible adverse consequences and technical risks, sign informed consent and truthfully write medical records.

5. Look at the qualifications of medical devices. Laser hair removal devices belong to the third category of medical devices, and must hold certification documents such as the inspection report or certificate of the manufacturer. Imported medical devices should also have Chinese instructions and Chinese labels.


5. What are the hazards of illegal laser hair removal?


Laser hair removal must be carried out under reasonable parameters. The output energy, wavelength, light output speed, number of uses, optical port density, etc. are strictly controlled by data. Not everyone can operate it, and improper operation will cause harm:

1. Allergies. Some people's body skin is very sensitive. When using the hair removal device, you should pay special attention to the pulse frequency. When the operation is improper, the skin is very likely to have an allergic reaction.

2. Scar. Under normal circumstances, the skin will be red after laser hair removal, and then improper operation may cause burns and scars.

3. Inflammation. In the process of hair removal, if the disinfection and cleaning are not done well, it is easy to cause inflammation of the hair follicles and rough keratinization.

Therefore, regular medical beauty institutions, stable laser equipment and professional physicians are the prerequisites to ensure safety.