Five factors affecting the effect of laser hair removal
Source: | Author:adss | Published time: 2022-07-12 | 237 Views | Share:

I believe that everyone wants to know about laser hair removal. Too much body hair makes many beauty-loving women very distressed, so timely hair removal is the key. So, what factors affect the effect of laser hair removal? I will now give you a detailed introduction.


Five factors affecting the effect of laser hair removal


Clinical endpoints not met


Clinical focus was not achieved. This is also the reason why 80% of the treatment time is long. The clinical manifestations of laser hair removal are: the skin is slightly red, the hair is curly, the smell is burnt, and there are small red papules at the root of the hair follicle. If these symptoms appear, it means that the clinical end point has been reached. , the hair removal effect will also be improved.


Skin and hair color differences


Laser hair removal treatments vary according to skin color and hair color. Since the intensity of the effect of laser treatment is determined according to the pigment in the skin, the hair follicles in different parts respond differently to laser hair removal. On the same person, the effect of hair removal in different parts is also different. This is because different parts of the hair have different hair removal effects. The pigment of the hair is different.


Physical differences


Because each person's constitution is different, the degree of hair thickness and growth ability are also different, and the effect of laser hair removal will also be different. Different people use the same hair removal method, some sensitive people may be able to remove it all at once, while others may have to remove it several times to achieve the same effect. .


Differences in laser therapy equipment


Differences in laser treatment equipment will also affect the effect of hair removal. The light source of the laser has a great influence on the effect of laser hair removal, so the treatment effect of instruments with a higher laser light source intensity will be better than those of those with a smaller light source intensity.


Differences in physician experience


No matter what kind of surgery, what kind of treatment, experienced doctors generally do better than inexperienced doctors. This is because an experienced doctor has a high degree of accuracy in judging the intensity of laser treatment needed for your hair, so the effect of laser hair removal treatment will naturally be better than that of an inexperienced doctor.