What are the dangers of improper hair removal
Source: | Author:adss | Published time: 2022-07-13 | 161 Views | Share:

What are the dangers of improper hair removal?


1. Thick hair


Most people have a misconception about shaving, that the hair will get thicker and thicker. In fact, after shaving the soft and thin tip when shaving, leaving a thick hair shaft that looks thicker because of the cross-section. In fact, the hair that grows from the root is still the same thickness. However, shaving the thick hair will leave roots that are difficult to shave, and the pores will appear black spots on the appearance, especially when the hair just grows out, it will be more obvious, affecting the appearance. To avoid this, use plucking or laser hair removal.


2. Inlaid hair


This is the most dangerous complication of self-hair removal, and is often caused by plucking and breaking, or reverse shaving, where the hair is buried in the skin and cannot grow back normally. A small part is because the epidermis or hair follicles are injured due to hair removal, and the pores are blocked when the skin heals, causing the hair to be embedded. The appearance of ingrown hairs is like goose bumps. As a result of the buried hair, it will cause occasional inflammation and pigment scarring. It usually requires surgical removal of the buried hairs to resolve. Correct hair removal methods, coupled with regular massage and exfoliation of the hair removal area, can help hair grow out of the skin and prevent hair from becoming embedded.


3. Pigmentation


Chemical hair removal such as beeswax, hair removal cream, and hair removal mousse may cause irritation and allergic reactions to the skin. Those allergic to hair removal cream should not try drug hair removal. It is best to smear it on the inside of the elbow first, and perform an allergy test to confirm that there is no redness, swelling, itching and other reactions, and then use it on other parts. Physical hair removal such as razors and razors may cut the skin and cause pigmentation or scars if used improperly. No matter what method of hair removal is used, it will cause slight damage to the skin. After hair removal, it is necessary to moisturise and moisturize, and pay attention to sun protection, otherwise pigmentation will occur after the skin is injured.


4. Inflammation of hair follicles, rough keratinization


Removing hair by plucking is not only painful but also easy to cause inflammation of the hair follicles. After plucking, be sure to rub lotion to calm and moisturize the skin. People with fragile skin can also apply antibiotic ointment (ophthalmic ointment such as chlortetracycline and domycin) in advance to avoid Inflammation infection. Hair removal with shaving method often results in scratches on the epidermis, which will make the skin keratinized and rough over time. Therefore, it is necessary to clean and lubricate the skin before shaving, and moderately moisturize and exfoliate after shaving. The scraper must be replaced frequently to keep it clean and sharp.


Women shed their hair because they love beauty. If you choose the wrong method, you will not only fail to achieve the corresponding effect, but also make you more distressed.