Laser hair removal affects normal perspiration
Source: | Author:adss | Published time: 2022-07-13 | 131 Views | Share:

Laser hair removal cannot achieve long-term hair removal at one time. The more treatments you have, the more likely you are to achieve long-term hair removal. Therefore, repeated laser hair removal will cause damage to the skin and hair follicles, but this problem can be avoided if you choose a regular hair removal device.


Laser hair removal affects normal perspiration


In theory, laser hair removal usually does not affect the physiological function of the skin, because laser hair removal directly acts on the hair follicle rather than the excretory system, and will not have any effect on excretion. However, if the doctor has limited experience in laser hair removal, or the hospital's equipment and environment are poor, the operation may fail, damage the skin and sweat glands, and affect the normal sweating function.


Pigment changes may occur after laser hair removal


Laser hair removal surgery is a non-exfoliating dynamic treatment. It uses the selective principle of laser light, so different wavelengths can be absorbed by different skin pigments, which may cause the problem of darkening or lightening of the pigment. This varies from person to person.


Slight localized redness may occur after laser hair removal


Although laser hair removal does not damage the surface of the skin, heat and light act on the deep layers of the skin, which will damage the hair follicles and dermal papilla to a certain extent, causing them to shrink. There may be a slight burning sensation, slight redness or swelling at the epilation site. However, the discomfort usually goes away within half a day.


Laser hair removal may cause dryness and irritation


Improper care after laser hair removal, especially going out in the sun, will cause certain irritation to the depilated skin, causing dry skin, dandruff and allergies. Some people may even develop folliculitis. Therefore, after hair removal, avoid direct sunlight on the hair removal area and go out to protect the hair.


Laser hair removal suitable for people


Laser hair removal is more suitable for friends with light skin and dark hair, but it is not suitable for everyone. Laser hair removal is not suitable for people with photosensitive constitution, darker skin, scar constitution, menstrual period, pregnancy or older, younger, skin infections, etc. It will have adverse effects on the body.


How to avoid the dangers of laser hair removal


The hazards of laser hair removal are closely related to the operation of the surgical procedure and the technique of the doctor. Therefore, in order to avoid the hazards of laser hair removal, you must choose a professional and regular medical institution before doing hair removal, and choose an experienced laser surgery doctor. Carry out scientific nursing, seek medical attention in time if there is an abnormality, and effectively avoid the harm caused by laser hair removal.