Which hair removal method is the best?
Source: | Author:adss | Published time: 2022-07-22 | 173 Views | Share:

Hair removal has become a top priority after whitening and sun protection!Laser hair removal, IPL hair removal, ELOS hair removal... There are so many professional terms, which hair removal method is the best?


Analysis of the principle of IPL hair removal


IPL is Intense Pulsed Light (Intense Pulsed Light). Because of its safety and non-invasiveness, remarkable curative effect, easy operation, and high cost performance, it has been widely used in the medical and beauty industries, and the popular photorejuvenation is one of its applications.


IPL hair removal is the use of intense pulsed light to irradiate the skin, so that the subcutaneous hair follicles gradually carbonize, shrink and fall off after absorbing light energy, and at the same time trigger chemical changes in the molecular structure of the dermal fibers, promote the regeneration and rearrangement of skin collagen, and achieve rapid hair removal. , shrink pores, long-lasting smooth hair removal purposes. The vast majority of household hair removal devices in the current market use the principle of IPL hair removal.


IPL Advantage Analysis


By comparing with other light energy hair removal technologies, Beautigo fully grasps the multiple advantages of IPL technology in the field of home hair removal, and maximizes its advantages through creative applications.


VS Laser Hair Removal: IPL feels gentler and works more widely


Different action characteristics make IPL intense pulsed light have a more gentle and extensive hair removal effect than laser (LASER). The laser has precise focusing, high energy and low diffusivity when the light is emitted, so the hair removal effect is single, the burning pain is strong, and the damage to the skin is greater; The burning sensation is greatly reduced, and it can act on capillaries, pigmentation and dermal cell molecules while solving the problem of body hair, improve skin texture, strengthen blood vessels, shrink pores, and achieve multi-effects in one.


However, no matter which hair removal method you choose, it will affect the skin more or less, so after hair removal, it is best to moisturize and protect the skin.