Opt hair removal principle
Source: | Author:adss | Published time: 2022-07-22 | 242 Views | Share:

The impact of body hair on a person is still quite large, especially for women. The survey results show that 85% of women have body hair problems. The number of hair removal products on the market has also increased, but it only treats the symptoms and not the root cause, and there are more and more hairs! Therefore, more and more people will choose to use beauty equipment for permanent hair removal. Speaking of hair removal devices, the most widely used is the OPT hair removal device.


Opt hair removal principle


Using the principle of photo-selective photothermodynamics, through reasonable adjustment of the wavelength of light, the light beam will penetrate the skin surface and finally be absorbed by the hair follicle. Since the endothermic necrosis process of the hair follicle is irreversible, OPT light hair removal can achieve a long-term hair removal effect.


Speaking of opt hair removal, you may have the following questions


1. Is OPT hair removal safe?


OPT hair removal is a very safe hair removal method. It is highly professional, has no side effects on the human body, has almost no effect on normal skin, and has the effect of rejuvenating and firming the skin.


2. Is it effective to take it off once?


After taking it off once, most people's hair will be much thinner and grow more slowly, but it usually takes about 3-5 times to completely take off.


The hair growth cycle is divided into three stages:


Growth period: The growth period lasts from 2 to 6 years, depending on different parts;

Dormant phase: When the hair enters the telogen phase, it will stop growing, but it has not left the hair follicle;

Recession: During the shedding phase, old hair is shed and new hair grows in the follicle.


Optical hair removal is mainly aimed at the hair in the growing phase, but it does not work on the hair in the telogen phase and shedding phase.


3. Will sweating be affected after hair removal?


Perspiration mainly depends on the eccrine glands, and the openings of the eccrine glands are not in the hair follicles. At the same time, OPT hair removal is to remove the hair follicles and will not damage the sweat glands, so it does not affect human metabolism and perspiration.


The principle of OPT hair removal is the principle of selective photothermal: that is, the selected wavelength only acts on melanin, not on normal skin tissue.