Precautions after hair removal
Source: | Author:adss | Published time: 2022-07-25 | 196 Views | Share:

Laser hair removal is based on the principle of selective photo thermodynamics. By reasonably adjusting the pulse width of the laser wavelength energy, the laser can pass through the skin surface and reach the hair follicle at the root of the hair. The light energy is absorbed and converted into heat energy that destroys the hair follicle tissue, thereby making It is a technology that causes the hair to lose its ability to regenerate without damaging the surrounding tissue, with minimal pain. Laser hair removal is currently the safest, fastest and most durable hair removal technology.

Due to the abundance of melanin in hair follicles and hair shafts, specific wavelengths of lasers target melanin for precise and selective hair removal treatments. After the melanin absorbs the energy of the laser, the temperature rises sharply, which causes the destruction of the stem cells of the hair follicle tissue and removes the hair.

After hair removal, you can do a good postoperative repair, so as not to affect the hair removal effect and damage the skin.

Precautions after hair removal:

1. Pay attention to cold compresses after laser hair removal

After laser hair removal, there will be a slight burning sensation and slight redness at the treatment site, and there may be mild erythema on the skin around the hair follicle. These are normal reactions. You can do local cold compresses for 15-20 minutes, which can reduce pain and eliminate redness. hot phenomenon.

2. Pay attention to protect the wound after laser hair removal

After laser hair removal, pay attention to protect the wound and keep it dry and clean. Do not squeeze the red spots on the skin after hair removal with your hands or other things after the operation, otherwise wound infection will easily occur, which will slowly disappear after a period of time. too worried. In addition, do not use hot water to scald the hair removal area, otherwise the skin will be easily irritated, local redness and infection will occur.

3. Pay attention to sun protection after laser hair removal

After laser hair removal, the skin is very fragile and cannot be exposed to the sun, otherwise it will be prone to pigmentation. Therefore, sun protection must be done on the hair removal area within 3 months to half a year to avoid the stimulation of strong light, and you need to apply natural anti-aging when going out. Irritant sunscreen, and wear a sun hat and protective clothing to prevent skin damage.

4. Pay attention to using skin care products after laser hair removal

After laser hair removal surgery, the skin will become sensitive. It is best not to use cleansers and skin care products on the hair removal area within 3 days. After that, you should choose mild cleansers and skin care products that are less irritating to the skin. Be careful not to use scrubs. , so as not to irritate the skin and cause inflammation and infection.

5. Dress carefully after laser hair removal

The skin will become very fragile after laser hair removal surgery. The pores of the skin after hair removal are in a state of expansion, which is easily affected by pigments and is also easily irritated. Therefore, do not wear clothes that are easy to fade or dirty, otherwise it will cause wounds. Inflammation, it is best to choose colorful cotton clothes of better quality.

6. Pay attention to diet after laser hair removal

After laser hair removal surgery, the diet should not be ignored. Do not eat spicy and irritating foods, such as chili, prickly ash, pepper, ginger, mustard, etc., so as not to affect the recovery of the hair removal site, you can eat some vitamin C tablets, or intake rich Vegetables and fruits containing vitamin C, such as broccoli, cabbage, lettuce, tomato, kiwi, lemon, etc., supplementing vitamin C can improve skin resistance, help whiten skin and reduce pigment production.