How does laser hair removal work?
Source: | Author:adss | Published time: 2022-07-25 | 263 Views | Share:

Laser hair removal utilizes the "selective photothermal effect" of the laser, and a fixed wavelength is the gold standard for the peak absorption of melanin. The semiconductor laser can emit near-infrared light that can directly act on the root of the hair follicle. After the abundant melanin in the hair follicle absorbs a large amount of energy, the temperature increases Sharply increased, the melanin in the hair follicle is decomposed to make it lose the hair growth environment, and the adjacent tissue will not be damaged to permanently remove the hair.

As early as the 1960s, Goldman first described the destructive effect of sapphire laser on hair follicle melanin, but it was not used clinically. In the 1980s, Ohshiro described hair loss after sapphire laser treatment of pigmented nevus, but at the same time the epidermis was also seriously damaged. In 1993, the Wellman Medical Optics Laboratory of Harvard University began to use ruby laser hair removal research, and then the sapphire intense pulsed light system also began to be used in hair removal treatment. Since then, the optical hair removal technology has basically matured.

In 1997, the Wellman Medical Optical Laboratory began to use the semiconductor laser hair removal device for clinical treatment, and achieved remarkable curative effects. The early lasers had low treatment efficacy due to their large size and complicated operation. After decades of clinical research and continuous improvement, a new type of 808 freezing point hair removal system has been launched. With its convenient, fast, safe and efficient characteristics, it has become the main means of permanent hair removal at present. This is the traditional method of hair removal. method is difficult to achieve. Leixiu laser hair removal adopts the classic semiconductor hair removal laser hair removal technology. The laser with a wavelength of 808nm not only has enough penetration depth to reach the hair follicle, but also can be effectively absorbed by the melanin in the hair follicle. After nearly 15 years of clinical verification, it is known as the Gold standard of hair removal laser. It is currently the most effective laser method for permanent hair removal.