Laser freezing point hair removal concept
Source: | Author:adss | Published time: 2022-07-27 | 199 Views | Share:

Laser hair removal is currently the most advanced permanent hair removal method. According to the principle of selective thermodynamics, laser or intense pulsed light is accurately released, penetrates the surface of the skin and is finally absorbed by the hair follicle, causing the hair follicle to be heated to produce a photothermal effect, thereby destroying the hair follicle. hair nipples. Therefore, it can not only remove excess hair in a large area, cool and painlessly, but also effectively protect the surrounding skin, while shrinking pores without damaging the skin and sweat glands.


Hair removal cycle:

The hair growth cycle has three phases: growth phase, transition phase, and resting phase. Only hair in the growth phase can be effectively removed by laser. The number of treatments is also related to the hair density, color, and the proportion of hair follicles in the non-growth period in the treatment area. Generally, you can see obvious results after one or two treatments. The number of treatments is related to whether the growth of hair follicles is strong.


After hair removal care:

1. After hair removal, there may be slight redness and swelling, sensitive skin and hot or itchy feeling at the hair removal site. Ice compresses can be used to relieve pain.

2. Avoid sun exposure after hair removal and apply the indicated sunscreen lotion to the affected area to reduce sun exposure.

3. Be careful not to scald and scrub the hair removal area with hot water


Advantages of Laser Hair Removal


Laser hair removal can achieve the purpose of lasting hair removal, which is the obvious advantage of laser hair removal. In addition, laser hair removal will not cause too much trauma to the skin, there will be no obvious pain during hair removal, and there will be no obvious side effects after hair removal. Laser hair removal is a widely used hair removal method in beauty hospitals. Under normal circumstances, laser hair removal needs to be done 2 to 3 times. If the problem of fine hair is serious, the number of laser hair removal needs to be increased. After laser hair removal, it is necessary to do a good job of sun protection on the local skin to prevent the phenomenon of pigmentation. Do not touch the local skin for a short time after laser hair removal.