Laser hair removal, permanent hair removal?
Source: | Author:adss | Published time: 2022-07-27 | 208 Views | Share:

Laser hair removal can remove excess hair from women's body and make women's skin more tender. Laser hair removal is a major discovery of modern photothermal. Using the principle of "selective absorption of light", the melanocytes in the hair follicle absorb light of a specific wavelength and convert it into heat energy that destroys the hair follicle tissue, so that the hair loses its ability to regenerate. It does not damage the surrounding tissues, and the pain is mild, so there are no side effects.


Laser hair removal is a safe, fast and long-lasting hair removal technology. Due to the inconsistent growth cycle of hair follicles, any part of the hair has some potential hair growth ability, that is, the latent period, that is to say, light is effective for hair follicles in the regenerating period, but ineffective for hair follicles in the dormant period. Therefore, according to the hair growth characteristics of different parts, generally after Multiple treatments can remove unwanted hair from various parts of the body. After hair removal, it will not affect perspiration, because perspiration mainly depends on the eccrine glands, and the openings of the eccrine glands are not in the hair follicles.


Hair follicles contain a large number of melanocytes. Laser hair removal uses light that is particularly sensitive to hair follicle melanocytes, but does not damage the normal epidermis. The melanin in the hair is absorbed by the hair shaft and hair follicle and converted into heat energy, thereby increasing the temperature of the hair follicle. : When the temperature rises high enough, the hair follicle structure will be irreversibly damaged, and the damaged hair follicle will be removed after a natural physiological process, so as to achieve the purpose of permanent hair removal.


Laser hair removal, permanent hair removal?


Laser hair removal is to irradiate the human skin with a specific wavelength of laser light, and the melanin in the hair follicle will absorb the laser light and generate heat. If the energy of the laser is particularly strong, the hair follicles can be destroyed by the heat generated.


But laser hair removal isn't a one-time thing.


The laser is mainly aimed at the hair in the "growth period" (adolescence) (when melanin is secreted the most, can absorb a lot of heat, and the effect is the best), and the "resting period" (middle age) and "regression" (old age) hair. For hair, melanin is less secreted and cannot completely destroy the hair follicles. When anagen (pubertal) hair grows in this "pit", the hair follicles can be completely destroyed.


Therefore, laser hair removal needs to go to the hospital several times (once in 6-8 weeks, insist on 4 or 5 times) to completely remove the hair.