Can "Laser Hair Removal" remove very cleanly?
Source: | Author:adss | Published time: 2022-08-04 | 259 Views | Share:
A bright face is often caused by too many thick and heavy hairs on the face to cause pain to beauty-loving female friends, and the problem of hair troubles. In order to achieve female friends, they dream of beauty. The emergence of laser hair removal has saved people who are troubled by hair, so what are the types of laser hair removal?

1. Freezing point painless hair removal

It is a more advanced sexual laser hair removal method at present. It uses Feidun freezing point semiconductor laser hair removal equipment. According to the principle of selective photothermal action, the laser can penetrate the skin surface to keep the hair follicles at a certain temperature, and gently remove the hair follicles and surrounding areas. Stem cells lose activity to achieve the purpose of hair removal.

2. Photon hair removal

It uses the selective photothermolysis principle of patented intense pulsed light source to provide a gentle, non-invasive therapy that utilizes the melanocytes in the hair follicle to absorb light of a specific wavelength band to generate heat in the hair follicle, thereby selectively destroying Hair follicles can achieve the effect of removing hair while avoiding damage to surrounding tissues.

3. IPL hair removal

It uses the pigments in the hair follicles to preferentially absorb colored light for treatment, so people with dark skin may also absorb part of the colored light energy during treatment, resulting in a certain loss to the skin, so colored light hair removal is particularly suitable. The kind with fair skin and darker hair.

4. Laser hair removal

Laser hair removal takes advantage of the "selective photothermal effect" of lasers, using lasers tuned to specific wavelengths to pass through the epidermis and directly irradiate the hair follicles. The melanin in the hair follicle and hair shaft selectively absorbs light energy, and the resulting thermal effect causes the hair follicle to necrosis, and the hair no longer grows.