Are there any sequelae of laser hair removal?
Source: | Author:adss | Published time: 2022-08-04 | 203 Views | Share:

Excessive leg hair often seriously affects our external image. With the development of medical technology, there are already many methods that can effectively help people eliminate the phenomenon of excessive leg hair, so that people can spend time in this cool summer. more comfortable.


Laser hair removal is a very popular hair removal method now, and it is favored by many beauty lovers because of its convenience and speed. So, what are the advantages of laser leg hair removal?


What are the advantages of laser hair removal on the legs?


1. Laser hair removal on legs is fast, painless, thorough, and generally does not damage the epidermis.

2. The pigmentation after laser leg hair removal is closer to our skin.

3. The laser hair removal light pulse time is adjusted for a long time, which protects the epidermis and removes hairs of different thicknesses.


Will laser hair removal on legs leave scars?


Because the laser can penetrate the skin and reach the hair follicle smoothly, and because the hair follicle has a lot of melanin, it can preferentially absorb a large amount of laser energy and convert it into heat energy, which increases the temperature of the hair follicle and achieves the purpose of destroying the function of the hair follicle.


During the treatment process, since the skin relatively does not absorb laser energy, or absorbs a very small amount of laser energy, the skin itself generally does not suffer any damage.

In addition, the laser treatment head is equipped with a cooling device to protect the skin, so the skin will not be damaged during the hair removal treatment, so there will be no reactions such as abnormal pigmentation or scarring.


Are there any sequelae of laser hair removal?


Laser hair removal generally has no side effects. Laser hair removal is based on the principle of selective photothermodynamics, through reasonable adjustment of laser wavelength, energy and pulse width. The laser can pass through the surface of the skin to the hair follicle at the root of the hair, and the light energy is absorbed and converted into heat energy that destroys the hair follicle tissue, so that the hair loses its ability to regenerate without damaging the surrounding tissue and is a mild pain technology.