Several common hair removal methods
Source: | Author:adss | Published time: 2022-08-10 | 316 Views | Share:

These methods only temporarily do not grow the hair, but after a period of time, the hair grows again, and so on again and again is not the way. Now that plastic surgery technology is so advanced, laser hair removal can let you get rid of frizzy hair.


There are many medical and cosmetic methods for hair removal, such as laser hair removal, photon hair removal, freezing point hair removal, and everyone is stupidly unclear about these methods. Let's take a look at these three methods together.


What is the relationship between laser hair removal, photon hair removal, freezing point hair removal? destroy hair follicles. At the same time, it avoids damage to surrounding tissues and achieves the effect of removing hair.


Photon hair removal: Using the principle of selective photothermolysis of intense pulsed light sources, the melanocytes in the hair follicles absorb light in a specific wavelength band to generate heat in the hair follicles, thereby selectively destroying the hair follicles. At the same time, it avoids damage to surrounding tissues and achieves the effect of removing hair.


Laser hair removal: According to the principle of selective photothermodynamics, by reasonably adjusting the pulse width of the laser wavelength energy, the light energy is absorbed and converted into heat energy that destroys the hair follicle tissue, reducing skin irritation.


Freezing point hair removal: Freezing point hair removal is an effective hair removal method at present. Using freezing point semiconductor laser hair removal equipment, the laser penetrates the skin surface to keep the hair follicles at a certain temperature, and gently deactivates the hair follicles and surrounding stem cells. Freezing point hair removal uses pulse mode and repetition frequency. The hair removal speed can be increased to 3-5 times than before.


Focus! What are the connections and differences between the three? These three are actually a progressive evolutionary relationship, one more effective than the other.


Freezing point laser hair removal and freezing point hair removal are two ways to improve the traditional hair removal method, making the hair removal effect more obvious and the hair removal process more comfortable. The same is hair removal, the difference in mechanism between freezing point hair removal and traditional laser hair removal is: traditional laser hair removal requires instantaneous high-energy burning of hair follicles, while freezing point hair removal gently deactivates the hair follicles automatically, so it can achieve the purpose of hair removal without excessively stimulating the skin. Avoid pain or risk. The above is the introduction of laser hair removal, photon hair removal, and freezing point hair removal. In fact, laser hair removal, photon hair removal, and freezing point hair removal are all better, and each has its own advantages, so as long as it is suitable for you, it is a good method. It is recommended that beauty seekers who want to remove hair choose to go to a formal professional plastic and cosmetic institution for hair removal surgery, so as to obtain better hair removal effect.