Is Laser Hair Removal Permanent?
Source: | Author:adss | Published time: 2022-08-11 | 283 Views | Share:

In order to reduce hair, depilatory cream or shaving is commonly used for hair removal. Although the effect is fast, it has great disadvantages. The pores are getting bigger and bigger, and the hair grows faster and faster. How to do clean hair removal? Laser hair removal can help you.


What is Laser Hair Removal


Laser hair removal is to destroy the hair follicle tissue by laser, so that it loses the function of regenerating hair. There will be a slight tingling sensation, and there may be pigmentation or blisters, but they can be recovered with good care and will not leave scars. 


Is Laser Hair Removal Permanent?


Laser hair removal can achieve a long-term hair removal effect, but generally requires multiple treatments, because hair growth goes through the growth phase, the regression phase, and the resting phase.


Laser hair removal is 75% effective in the anagen phase, 25% effective in the anagen phase, and almost ineffective in the telogen phase. The laser will only work after the hair has turned into the anagen phase. Therefore, laser hair removal requires multiple times to have visible results.


Based on the different growth cycles of different parts, the interval between each treatment is also different. For example, the hair on the head has a relatively short quiescent period, and the hair on the trunk and limbs has a relatively long quiescent period, so the treatment interval should be 1 month. 


Precautions for laser hair removal


1. Before the operation, the patient's past medical history should be carefully inquired, and the patient should be fully communicated. Those who have contraindications to laser hair removal treatment cannot be treated;

2. Shave the hair of the treatment area before treatment, and clean the area to remove oil and dirt;

3. Select appropriate treatment parameters according to different patients, different skin properties and pain tolerance;

4. After treatment, apply cold compress to the treatment area immediately for 15 minutes to 30 minutes, which can reduce or reduce the adverse reactions after treatment.


Nursing after laser hair removal


1. The hair removal area should be mainly sunscreen and moisturizing to reduce the incidence of hyperpigmentation or hypopigmentation and speed up skin repair;

2. Because laser hair removal only works on the hair in the growth phase, and does not work on the hair follicles in the telogen phase and degenerative phase, laser hair removal requires multiple treatments.


The effect of laser hair removal is better in the growth phase of the hair. The more melanin is secreted, the better the treatment effect.


Laser hair removal has little effect on degenerative and telogen hair, but laser hair removal can inhibit the rapid growth of hair in the short term to achieve the desired effect.