Photon hair removal, laser hair removal or freezing point hair removal which is better?
Source: | Author:adss | Published time: 2022-11-18 | 421 Views | Share:

1. Photon hair removal

Using the principle of selective photothermolysis of intense pulsed light source, the melanocytes in the hair follicles absorb light in a specific wavelength band to generate heat in the hair follicles, thereby selectively destroying the hair follicles. At the same time, it avoids damage to surrounding tissues and achieves the effect of removing hair.

2. Laser hair removal

According to the principle of selective photothermodynamics, by reasonably adjusting the pulse width of the laser wavelength energy, the light energy is absorbed and converted into heat energy that destroys the hair follicle tissue, reducing the tingling sensation of the skin.

3. Freezing point hair removal

Freezing point hair removal uses a freezing point semiconductor laser hair removal device, allowing the laser to penetrate the surface of the skin while keeping the hair follicles at a certain temperature, gently inactivating the hair follicles and surrounding stem cells. Freezing hair removal uses a pulse mode and repetition rate, which can increase the speed of hair removal to 3-5 times before.

These three are actually a progressive evolutionary relationship, one more effective than the other. In fact, freezing point hair removal is also laser hair removal, and the two are included and included. The same is hair removal, the difference in mechanism between freezing point hair removal and traditional laser hair removal is that traditional laser hair removal requires instantaneous high-energy burning of hair follicles, which may cause local burns and burns. The freezing point hair removal adds cooling freezing point technology, which gently deactivates the hair follicles automatically, so it can achieve the purpose of hair removal without over-stimulating the skin to avoid pain or risk. Therefore, freezing point laser hair removal is strictly better than traditional laser hair removal, and it is more suitable for patients to choose.

How often is laser hair removal done?

Laser hair removal is basically done 3-5 times, with an interval of one month. Different parts, different constitutions, different hair follicle structures and growth cycles, where the hair follicles grow faster, such as armpit hair, can be removed about 3 times, and where the hair follicles are slow, such as lip hair, it takes about 5 times.

Is laser hair removal permanent?

How long laser hair removal can last is determined by the effect of treatment, the number of treatments, the interval of treatment, the energy during treatment, the individual differences of beauty seekers, etc., so it cannot be generalized. In general, laser hair removal is very effective. , Basically, the purpose of permanent hair removal can be achieved, but the above factors affect the maintenance time of each person, and the care after freezing point hair removal is also very important.

The possible dangers of hair removal

Improper hair removal may cause harm to the body such as infection, folliculitis, irritant dermatitis, thicker and harder hair, and edema around the hair follicle.

1. Physical plucking can cause local pain and discomfort, and sometimes infection and folliculitis.

2. The use of chemical hair removal methods such as hair removal creams may cause local irritation dermatitis, contact dermatitis, and even allergies.

3. Shaving may result in stiffer, thicker hair after regrowth in some people.

4. In the process of laser hair removal, too much laser energy may cause edema around the hair follicle, local pain and discomfort. It is recommended to go to a regular hospital to choose the appropriate laser hair removal method. Laser hair removal is generally safe and effective. Very few people may experience mild skin redness and itching during treatment, and localized skin pigmentation or depigmentation may occur postoperatively. But in general, as long as the treatment is in a regular medical institution, the possibility of these complications is very low.

Precautions after laser hair removal

1. After laser hair removal, use alcohol to disinfect the hair removal area or apply some anti-inflammatory ointment to avoid the occurrence of folliculitis. The skin at the depilation site may be slightly red and swollen, requiring a local cold compress. In severe cases, an ointment can be applied topically to suppress inflammation or prevent skin irritation.

2. After laser hair removal, do not scald and scrub the treatment area with hot water after laser hair removal, do not take a hot bath, let alone take a sauna or steam bath, and do not scratch the skin of the treatment area. The reason is to avoid infection and to avoid swimming in pools or beaches.

3. Try not to use cosmetics and skin care products containing fruit acid or A acid after laser hair removal. It is best to use milder skin care products.

4. After laser hair removal, it is best for patients not to wear tight clothes or stockings, so that the treated area can be kept dry and breathable. Avoid sun exposure for at least six months, and be sure to use sunscreens under the guidance of a doctor.

5. Do not eat spicy and seafood foods after laser hair removal, such as onion, ginger, garlic, pepper, etc. Eat more fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin C, such as kiwis, strawberries and tomatoes. Do not smoke or drink alcohol.

6. Do not use other methods of hair removal until the end of treatment, which may lead to inflammatory hyperpigmentation.