Which band hair removal device should a beauty salon choose?
Source: | Author:adss | Published time: 2022-12-02 | 394 Views | Share:

People who need hair removal are always used to scrambling for the first time in spring and summer, and rush to do hair removal projects in a hurry, because the season of exposing their skin is about to come, and they have to gather together for hair removal.


Even so, some stubborn hairs are still "growth wildly", which actually involves the issue of "hair removal efficiency". Hair removal is not only about "removal" but also "after-removal care":


Summer is hot and easy to sweat, improper hair removal care is easy to get folliculitis vs autumn and winter temperatures are lower, skin repairs more quickly after hair removal


Sun exposure in summer, sun protection after hair removal should be more cautious vs autumn and winter when the sun is weak and covered by clothing, which is good for protecting the skin and better hair removal effect


The process of hair removal in summer is slower in absorbing light and heat dissipation vs. in autumn and winter, the air is cool, the subcutaneous heat dissipation is faster, and hair removal is more comfortable


In such a comparison, it is a wise move to [Stagger Peak Hair Removal] in autumn and winter!

There are 808nm semiconductor laser hair removal instruments——Customized hair removal, long-term hair removal


Hair removal is more skin-nourishing, the favorite choice of customers


808nm Diode Laser Hair Removal Instrument

1.Everyone's skin tone, skin dryness, cuticle thickness, hair characteristics and other factors are different. Therefore, the hair removal programs and hair removal cycles that need to be adopted are not all the same. The 808nm laser meets the needs of Asians and achieves customers' hair removal needs!

2.Intuitive and easy-to-operate man-machine interface - touch screen, convenient and fast operation, the beautician can quickly get started, long-term hair removal, such as: hairline hair, lip hair, beard, back hair, chest hair, armpit hair Hair, leg hair and other limb hair, bikini hair, etc. are suitable!

3.Equipped with a sapphire cooling window, which transmits cold constantly. When using it, the epidermis of the hair removal area can be instantly cooled by 0-4°C, so as to avoid redness, swelling, heat or burns in time. The hair removal feels comfortable and the customer feels at ease!

4.Designed with 12*12mm high coverage and large spot to achieve fast, convenient and clean hair removal, even all kinds of miscellaneous hairs, small vellus hairs, etc. can be removed without omission! At the same time, the operating tool of the instrument is more portable, the failure rate is greatly reduced, and the hair removal efficiency is greatly improved!


Remove all kinds of hair, bright and clean skin

1.It only acts on hair follicles and does not harm normal skin tissue. Hair removal can stimulate collagen regeneration at the same time, making the skin at the hair removal site delicate and firm, achieving hair removal + skin rejuvenation!

2.German DELAS laser is used, the effective output can reach more than 30 million times, cost-effective, cost-saving, and long service life!

3.When the instrument is working continuously, it is equipped with an automatic alarm system for water flow, water level, and water temperature, which can prevent various dangers at the first time!

4.Imported accessories are used, which are high-quality and durable!

Bring the 808nm semiconductor laser hair removal device, start the SPA-level skin nourishing and hair removal experience, take advantage of this autumn and winter, get rid of hairy troubles, and have a stunning summer in the coming year~