Which Areas Of Hair Are Suitable For Laser Hair Removal?
Source: | Author:adss | Published time: 2023-01-17 | 344 Views | Share:

Winter is coming, everyone is wrapped in thick down jackets, and the razor or depilatory cream in hand can also temporarily call off the curtain. Finally, there is no need to struggle to remove excess hair on your body every now and then. But have you heard of a safe, effective and hassle-free method of hair removal - laser hair removal? Did you know that winter is the perfect time for laser hair removal? Learn about laser hair removal!

What is the principle of laser hair removal?

Laser hair removal achieves permanent hair reduction through the selective photothermal effect. After the skin is partially irradiated with a laser of a special wavelength, the hair follicles rich in melanin will selectively absorb a large amount of light energy, which is quickly converted into heat energy, causing the temperature in the local hair follicles to rise sharply, thereby destroying the hair follicles. The old nest of hair was removed, and the hair was naturally removed.

Which areas of hair are suitable for laser hair removal?

Unwanted hair on all parts of the body is fine! Including but not limited to limb hair, hairline, lip hair, armpit hair, pubic hair, etc. Black hair will remove better than light colored hair, but not white hair.

How many treatments are needed for laser hair removal?

Generally, 3-6 sessions are required, with an interval of 1-1.5 months between each treatment. The life of hair includes three periods, followed by growth period, regression period and rest period. In the growth phase, the melanin content of the hair follicle is the highest, and the absorption of laser energy is the best, so the hair removal effect is the best; while the laser has a weaker effect on hair removal in the catagen and telogen phases. Since the hairs on different parts of the body are not in the growth phase at the same time, laser hair removal often needs several times to obtain satisfactory hair removal results.

What should I pay attention to after laser hair removal?

Sunscreen, sunscreen, or sunscreen! If sun protection is not in place after surgery, it will increase the risk of local skin pigmentation. The main purpose of sun protection is to avoid direct sunlight. In addition to applying sunscreen, physical sun protection is also very important, such as wearing long-sleeved clothing when going out, or wearing a sunshade or wearing a sun hat. Due to the abundant sunshine and strong ultraviolet rays in summer, it is best not to go out during the daytime for 2-3 days after laser treatment, so as to minimize the risk of postoperative pigmentation.

When is the best season for laser hair removal?

After winter, that is now! The sun in winter is far less harsh than in summer, so sun protection is naturally more effective. In addition, since laser hair removal often needs to be done 3-6 times, with an interval of 1-1.5 months between each time, the total treatment course takes less than half a year. Start the first treatment now, and finish the full course of treatment by the summer next year. You can wear beautiful short skirts in summer, and you don’t have to worry about annoying body hair anymore!