Have you gotten off-season hair removal?
Source: | Author:佚名 | Published time: 2021-12-28 | 393 Views | Share:

There are many ways to remove hair, and friends who are troubled by hair removal should have tried many methods.


For example: hair removal with razor and blade

Effect: getting harder and harder, boyfriend holding like a stirrer

  Safe: Scratched skin is easy to be infected, red, swollen and painful

Hygiene: very unhygienic


Hair removal cream

Function: Depilatory cream is extremely irritating, and there is no discussion for burned skin

  Skin quality: Allergic skin is too fragile and immediately develops erythema

  Effect: The hair removal is not complete, the legs are all black


Beeswax hair removal

Quality: There are many kinds of beeswax, how can you be sure what you buy is genuine

  Pain: girl, you are really a man, it hurts to look at hair removal like this

  Skin care: Causes large pores and loose skin, and the whole person is not good


There are many ways to remove hair, so I won’t talk about them here. Most people will wait until summer when they need to wear shorts and skirts, but do you know about off-season hair removal?



1.One of the benefits of off-season hair removal

Cool down in the summer without stress

The matter of hair removal is the same as the principle of "predecessors planted trees and future generations enjoy the shade". I had a hair removal today, and I was so happy looking at the bare skin. I will tell you that after a month, new hairs will grow out one after another? The hair growth cycle determines the cruel fact that you can get rid of it without a single laser hair removal.

Laser hair removal has the greatest effect on the hair in the growth phase, but has no obvious effect on the hair in the degenerative and resting phases. Only when they enter the growth phase can they get better treatment.


2.Benefits of off-season hair removal

Look at the effect of winter hair removal is better than summer hair removal, do you make it?

 After laser hair removal, the hair follicles of the skin are damaged and the skin is relatively fragile. Some people will have a slight redness and swelling reaction after the operation. If the sun is exposed to excessively at this time, it is easy to leave pigmentation and affect the appearance.

Choosing to have hair removal in winter can completely avoid such embarrassment. In winter, in addition to the external factor of not strong ultraviolet rays, because of the cold, people will hide in thick clothes to better protect the people after laser hair removal. Delicate skin is really good for multiple purposes.


SHR Super Hair Removal Mode

The most suitable pulse width adjustment, effectively reaching the hair follicles, directly destroying the hair follicle tissue, permanent hair removal without regeneration.

Hair removal and skin care at the same time.

Skin rejuvenation and hair removal are completed at the same time. After treatment, the skin will become more elastic, beautiful and white.

There are so many benefits of off-season hair removal, are you already ready to move? Prepare for the summer ahead of time and act quickly.