Regarding hair removal, this is easy to overlook!
Source: | Author:佚名 | Published time: 2021-12-28 | 266 Views | Share:

There are many ways of hair removal, such as beeswax hair removal, hair removal cream hair removal, razor hair removal, etc. With the growth of hair removal methods, most people will choose laser hair removal. However, there are many laser hair removal methods. Do you know how to choose the correct laser hair removal method and hair removal equipment?

Body hair is a part of the human body and plays a very important role. Body hair is composed of layers of keratin scales, and some organisms change their body hair due to the seasons. Creatures have different body hairs. Even the same creatures have different body hair colors and growth rates. The body hair of some organisms has different functions such as keeping warm, detecting, indirectly triggering tactile receptors, and disguising.


But the hair is thick, which affects the beauty. Many girls want to lie on the beach elegantly in bikinis but are discouraged by the thick hair. So in recent years, in addition to the girls who have done enough in face engineering, they have added a project on the road of skin beautification. That is laser hair removal. I believe most beauty lovers are no strangers to this project, but there are also many girls who have taken detours in the way of hair removal.


     This method of hair removal cannot help but not permanently exterminate the hair, but will also make the hair grow stronger.


Laser hair removal project introduction


All beauty lovers seek for skin with uniform texture and smooth texture, but excess hair on any part of the body will seriously affect the appearance and touch. Hair removal has now become a basic etiquette for daily social interaction, not only a culture, but also a fashion expression. The customer base for hair removal needs is huge. Both men and women have needs, from adolescents to adults. The parts of hair removal are also all over the body, from the most common armpit hair and limbs, to the recently popular lip hair, hairline, bikini area, and even special parts such as perianal hair removal. How to get rid of the ubiquitous excess body hair is the long-term pursuit of all beauty seekers. Safe and effective hair removal equipment is a long-term topic for all managers.


At present, according to the different principles of application technology, hair removal equipment is mainly divided into two categories. One type is photonic hair removal equipment, and the other type is semiconductor laser equipment.


Does laser hair removal affect perspiration?


Of course not. The human body's perspiration mainly relies on the eccrine glands, and laser hair removal is to remove hair follicles. Hair follicles and sweat glands are two independent tissues. Hair grows from the hair follicles, while the sweat glands are next to the hair follicles. The two are not the same. Going on. Therefore, laser hair removal does not harm sweat glands and does not affect perspiration. Look at the picture above, sweat glands and hair follicles are far apart.


Principles of Laser Hair Removal Treatment


The targets of hair removal are the hair papilla, the hair matrix cells of the hair bulb and the hair follicle stem cells of the bulge. As far as the cell cycle is concerned, it is mainly aimed at the long-term hair. During this period, the hair matrix cells should divide rapidly, with the most melanin, the strongest photosensitive ability, and the highest light sensitivity. In the degenerative stage, the hair matrix is degraded, the hair papilla is atrophy, the melanin is less, the photosensitivity is weak, and the photosensitivity is decreased. Since the work of hair removal is only for the hair in the growth period, it requires multiple operations.


SHR hair remouval machine


Advantages: 1. The light wave is wider and is absorbed by a variety of epidermal tissues, but the target tissues are less absorbed

2. Usually 6-10 treatments are required

3. The light spot is large, but the hair removal effect is slow, the skin reaction is heavy, and the skin is easily burned after sunburn.