Which is better, home hair removal device or beauty salon hair removal?
Source: | Author:佚名 | Published time: 2021-12-29 | 353 Views | Share:

There are many ways to remove hair, such as shaving knives, hair removal creams, and beeswax. Generally, the hair removal effect may damage the skin. If you go to a beauty salon for hair removal, it takes time, labor, and price.

The difference between a home hair removal device and a beauty salon is that the product is different. For a home laser hair removal device, the energy of the machine generally selected is very weak, which can only inhibit the growth of hair. If it is a laser hair removal device in a beauty salon, it is not recommended here for all beauty seekers.

Since the beauty salon itself is not a regular medical institution, many of the laser hair removal devices used by it have been eliminated by regular hospitals, and the emitted energy is not enough, so multiple treatments cannot achieve the effect of permanent hair removal. In addition, the laser hair removal device selected by some beauty salons is simply a three-no product. The emitted energy may be too large or too small, and the real treatment effect is difficult to guarantee. Therefore, it is not recommended for beauty seekers to choose hair removal in a beauty salon. It is best to go to a regular medical institution for hair removal. It can be guaranteed that after 5-7 partial hair removal, the hair removal part can achieve the effect of permanent hair removal.

Hair removal is not done overnight, no matter what method you need to persist in order to be effective, the relative expense, time, etc. are also not small costs.

Therefore, the home hair removal device has become the method that most people pursue. Because of its portability, low pain and easy operation, it is reasonable to gradually become popular, but there are not many really useful products, which requires us to learn to identify one. What are the qualified home hair removal devices to look at.


How to pick a home hair removal device


If you want to get a hair removal device that suits your mind, you must first understand its main functioning principle. Most home hair removal devices use strong pulsed light (commonly known as photon rejuvenation). Although the energy is lower than that of medical aesthetic lasers, it is safer and can be used for lip hair.


What is intense pulsed light


Intense pulsed light is a continuous, multi-wavelength incoherent light with a wavelength range of 500~1200nm.

The intense pulsed light therapy instrument can select the wavelength through the filter, which has a selective hair removal effect.

In short, all light in a wavelength range is different from the color, wavelength, and relatively single laser.


Principle of action


Similar to laser hair removal, it has the principle of selective photothermal effect: melanin absorbs light in the wavelength range of 250 to 1200 nm, and as the wavelength increases, the absorption decreases

Laser hair removal uses the melanin in hair follicles and hair shafts as targets, and uses specific wavelengths of energy to inject energy. After the melanin is exposed to these energy, the temperature will rise sharply, which will necrosis the hair follicles and achieve hair removal after the target tissues are destroyed. The strong pulsed light has a wavelength range of 500 to 1200 nm, which can be selectively absorbed by melanin, and then act on the melanin in the hair follicle for hair removal.


Mainly look at which


Energy density (J/cm²): an important indicator of the effectiveness of hair removal. Theoretically speaking, the higher the energy density, the more effective and long-lasting hair removal. The energy selection of the household hair removal instrument is safer and more effective at 3-6J/cm². If the hair is severe, please choose high energy as much as possible (don't consider those with less than 4.5).

Generally speaking, the greater the energy of this kind of instrument, the better the effect, but it is precisely because of its excessive energy that the pain is more obvious. The skin will not be able to withstand the heat brought by the high energy, which will cause the skin to be burned. It's hard to stick to it.

However, the appearance of freezing point function can make up for this shortcoming, which can ensure that the skin will be safe even under high energy. To


Light emitting area and frequency


The light output area and light frequency are related to the hair removal efficiency. The light output area should be more than 75px (but it cannot be said that the wider the better, some take the advantage of a large light outlet, which actually reduces the energy density value), and the light frequency cannot be lower than 4 seconds/1 time. In addition, the comfort of the instrument is also very important. For example, the ice-sensing cooling function can also increase its usage rate.