These things you don’t know about permanent hair removal!
Source: | Author:佚名 | Published time: 2021-12-30 | 370 Views | Share:

Many friends do not know whether they have taken many detours before correct hair removal, such as plucking with tweezers and removing hair with a razor. They all want to achieve the effect of permanent hair removal, but they do not know that these methods not only fail to achieve the effect of permanent hair removal, but also It will damage the skin and even speed up hair growth!

Today, let me take a look at these things about permanent hair removal for everyone!


1. Laser hair removal

The principle of laser hair removal is that the laser passes through the surface of the skin to reach the root follicles of the hair, destroying the tissue of the hair follicle and preventing the hair from growing.

The advantage of laser hair removal is that it can achieve permanent hair removal after multiple treatments, and the speed is relatively fast, generally 4-5 treatments are enough. But the disadvantage is that the laser hair removal process is painful and the price is relatively expensive.


In recent years, in order to facilitate hair removal, home hair removal devices have appeared on the market. The advantage is that small devices are also very convenient and clean to use! The effect is not bad! The price is cheaper than traditional laser hair removal! Although the operation is troublesome, it also requires a longer hair removal cycle.


Suggestion: If you have money and can bear the pain, it is still a good choice to go to the hospital for laser hair removal~ Friends who want to save money and time can also choose to use a home laser hair removal device!


2. Freezing point hair removal

Freezing point hair removal is currently the most advanced method of hair removal. The freezing point semiconductor laser hair removal equipment is used to inactivate the hair follicles in a gentle way to achieve the effect of permanent hair removal.


The characteristic is that it can cool and painlessly remove hair on a large area, effectively protecting the surrounding skin. The main disadvantage is that multiple treatments are required, but a long interval between treatments is required, so it will be more troublesome.


Suggestion: If you are not in a hurry for hair removal and are afraid that laser hair removal is too painful, it is recommended to do freezing point hair removal~


Precautions before and after hair removal

Before hair removal:

① Exfoliation must be done to reduce the appearance of folliculitis. But don't get rid of hair immediately after exfoliating, it will be better to get rid of hair after 2-3 days.

② It is better to take a hot bath one hour before hair removal. It removes excess oil and opens the pores for faster hair removal.

③You can sprinkle a small amount of talcum powder on the skin before hair removal to absorb oil on the surface and protect the skin.

After hair removal:

①After depilation, you must take good care of sunscreen when you go out to avoid pigmentation and the skin will become dull.

②Use some mild moisturizing body lotion to soothe the skin, so as to prevent the skin from becoming too dry and fragile.


Let’s answer some of the questions that everyone is more concerned about~


Q1 Will it grow longer after hair removal?

The rumor that the hair will grow stronger and stronger after hair removal has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. In fact, in all the methods of hair removal, small hard black scum will grow after shaving and using hair removal cream.


But with other hair removal methods, after the roots are uprooted or the hair follicles are destroyed, the hair that grows out will only get finer and thinner, and the hair removal again will not be as painful as the first time~

Q2 How to take off the hair on the face! Like lip hair!

Many babies not only have hair on their legs, but also on their faces. Although their small hairy faces are not particularly obvious, they always look dirty and dark! Some hair removal products can not be easily used on the face, after all, the small face is so delicate, so you have to use special hair removal products for the face.


Recommend facial hair removal device, its principle is to clamp multiple hairs at the same time, and then pluck them by the roots! It is very convenient to buy one at home and use it at any time. Babies with conditions can also go to a regular hospital for laser hair removal~ If the lip hair is not very strong, you can also use a bleaching agent to lighten it, and it can be visually invisible~


Q3 Which method of hair removal is the safest is not painful!

Of course it is a cool freezing point hair removal~


Q4 How to remove hair from the bikini area?

In fact, there is no difference between hair removal on the bikini part and other parts of the body, just choose the product that suits you. But be sure to pay special attention to hygiene.


And don't blindly pursue the complete removal of a large area for comfort and beauty. Hair is innate as a part of the body, and its existence is justified.


Q5 Will hair removal damage hair follicles and affect health?

The only ones who really remove hair by destroying hair follicles are: electric hair removal, laser hair removal and enhanced pulsed light hair removal. Other methods have no effect on hair follicles. Destroying hair follicles will not affect the body’s perspiration metabolism, so don’t worry too much~


Q6 Is it reliable to pluck your own hair?

There are rumors that plucking your hair will become less and less? This chicken must tell everyone that this is a rumor! In fact, the principle of plucking hair with bare hands is the same as that of using wax paper.


But to be honest, pulling one by one is not only time-consuming and laborious, it also cannot guarantee that each one is uprooted, and it will tear the skin and cause damage to the blood pores during the pulling process.


Q7 Why does it become chicken skin after hair removal?

Some babies have reported that their skin becomes rough after hair removal, like chicken skin. This painful lesson is to warn other babies with their lives that the preparations before hair removal must be done! In particular, exfoliation must be done in place to reduce the occurrence of folliculitis.

Q8 Why does it turn black after hair removal!


There are two cases here:

The first is that our skin will become more fragile without hair protection, so we must do enough sunscreen work after hair removal to avoid melanin precipitation.


The second is because the hair follicles are clogged, and new hairs are blocked in the pores. If you look carefully at the skin, there are black dots that make you look dark. To prevent this from happening, you must go before hair removal. ! Horn! quality!