Is there really painless hair removal?
Source: | Author:佚名 | Published time: 2021-12-30 | 282 Views | Share:

With the development of quality of life and technology, friends who love beauty have higher and higher requirements for themselves. Everyone hopes that there are no flaws and deficiencies in their bodies, but there are some in our real life. Women's body hair is too serious, so they want to have a whole body hair removal operation, and before the whole body hair removal operation, everyone wants to do painless hair removal. The current painless hair removal methods are laser hair removal and photon hair removal surgery. Laser and photon hair removal surgery is not only effective, but also safe after surgery and will not recur.

Laser hair removal and photon hair removal mainly affect hair in the growth phase, but are basically ineffective for hair in the anagen phase and telogen phase. You must wait for this part of the hair to circulate to the next growth phase before treatment, and the hair enters the growth phase. A continuous cycle process is not a long process, so laser and photon hair removal need to be done 3-5 times, or even more times, to achieve better results.

Insulated electric needles can remove the hairs in the growth and regression phases, and can do nothing about the hairs that have not yet emerged from the body surface in the resting phase. After we use insulated electric needles to remove all the hairs on the body surface, after a while, next to the places where the hair follicles have been destroyed, the hair follicles that were originally in the resting period will continue to grow out. This is a It is an inevitable process. Therefore, it is impossible to remove the hair of the human body at one time. Even if an insulated electric needle is used, it needs to be done about three times to remove it completely.

The long pulse width laser with contact cooling head restricts the heat to damage the hair follicles, while allowing the heat to spread from the epidermis. Under these conditions, the skin will not reach the damage threshold and can be protected from heat damage, achieving no pain. It is recommended that those who seek beauty do medical beauty projects in public tertiary hospitals, because such hospitals have relatively deep qualifications, imported instruments and equipment are more advanced, and the doctors are strictly trained, and they have a more comprehensive grasp of this operation. Operate according to personal circumstances, generally can achieve good results, and it is not prone to risks.


OPT Freezing Point Painless Hair Removal Device

1. The effect of OPT freezing point painless hair removal: 

The principle of OPT Freezing Point Painless Hair Removal is to use strong pulsed light with a wide spectrum of 610-1000nm and a wide range of adjustable pulse width. Therefore, it can perform permanent hair removal on the skin and hair of various parts of the human body with different colors and different depths. It is generally believed that hair removal is a selective photopyrolysis principle using a patented strong pulsed light source. The melanocytes in the hair follicles absorb specific wavelengths of light to generate heat and selectively destroy the hair follicles. At the same time, the emitted heat can be conducted to the depth of the hair follicle through the cross-section of the hair shaft, which quickly increases the temperature of the hair follicle, thereby achieving the effect of removing the hair while avoiding damage to the surrounding tissues. Since the hair follicle can no longer be regenerated, OPT photon hair removal is achieved. The effect is permanent hair removal.


 2. Advantages of OPT freezing point painless hair removal:

1. OPT photon hair removal technology is purely technically the best and ideal method for permanent hair removal. However, human hair generally has three cycles, namely the growth phase, the stable phase, and the resting phase. Only when the photonic technology is implemented in the hair follicle growth phase can the effect of damaging the hair follicle cells be achieved.

2. OPT photon hair removal is painless, has no epidermal damage, no scars, and will not rebound after hair removal. It has the unique advantages of safe, damage-free, fast and thorough hair removal.


3. OPT freezing point painless hair removal treatment range:

1. Skin rejuvenation: improve the roughness of the skin on the forehead, face, arms, abdomen, legs, etc., enhance skin elasticity, tender and whiten.

2. Firming: tighten eye bags and treat dark circles. Eliminate crow's feet, neck lines, reduce wrinkles and fine lines, lift and tighten skin, restore tightened skin, restore elasticity and smoothness, and regulate dull skin tone.

3. Hair removal: armpit hair, beard, limb hair, bun line, bikini and other hair that affects the beauty

4. Freckle removal: freckles, chloasma, sunburn, age spots, liver spots, dermal spots, birthmarks and some pigmentation.

5. Wrinkle removal: remove Chuan word lines, nasolabial folds, face, forehead, neck, waist, buttocks, legs and other wrinkles.

6. Acne: bacterial infectious acne on the face, shoulders, chest, waist, buttocks.

7. Acne acne: boiled acne, acne acne, allergic acne, acne marks, acne pits, rosacea.

8. Remove red blood streaks: congenital red blood streaks, red blood streaks after skin resurfacing, red face, erythema, skin allergies and allergies.

9. Improve skin texture: improve skin texture problems such as dryness, oiliness, aging, color difference, etc.


4.matters needing attention:

1. There will be a slight burning sensation in the treatment area and the whitening, blackening or zooming of the hair and lighter erythema of the skin around the hair follicle. This is a normal response. If necessary, apply a local cold compress for 10-15 minutes to relieve or eliminate redness.

2. Residual hair piles in the treatment area can be scraped off after 24 hours, or they can gradually fall off after a few days.

3. It is advisable to clean the skin with low-temperature water on the day after depilation. Liquid or gel-like skin care products can be used. A very small number of people may develop scabs, blisters, or temporary pigment changes after treatment. If it occurs, please cooperate with the doctor for corresponding treatment. Please pay attention to sun protection during treatment.


5. Operation process of OPT Freezing Point Painless Hair Removal Apparatus: 

1. Fill in the form 

     Fill out the customer file form in detail, confirm the care items, and ask the customer to fully understand all the skin reactions before and after care and the matters that should be paid attention to after care.


2. Cleansing

   Clean the face with a gentle facial cleanser (three minutes). Reminder: Before the operation, disinfect the hands of the beautician and the instrument to care for the bald head to ensure the sterility during the operation.


3. Warm up

   Turn on the instrument after cleansing and warm up the instrument for at least three minutes without turning on the lights. Purpose: To fully circulate the water in the water pipe, so as to avoid the phenomenon of bald gun burning caused by repeated poor circulation, and to ensure the safety of operation.


4. Shaving

 Shave off excess facial hair, forehead, eyebrows, temples, cheeks, lips and other hairs. (Two minutes) Purpose: The hair is black. During operation, the black will absorb part of the light, and the light absorbed by the skin will be reduced, which reduces the care effect: the process of black hair absorbing light will increase the tingling sensation of the recipient, so The hair should be shaved to avoid tension; if the hair is not shaved, the small hairs that have absorbed light will remain part of the skin epidermis, which may increase the sensitivity of the skin, so shave the hair.


5. Glue

Apply 2-3mm thick cold gel evenly on the care area (two minutes). If you want to do hair removal projects, you need to shave the hair first and then apply the cold gel. Function: Cold gel is a light guide agent, which has the functions of calming, cooling and guiding light. Cold gel is forbidden to be used repeatedly, and discard it after use.


Contraindications: Avoid eyes, eyebrows, and lips when applying cold gel. These are forbidden areas.


6, eye protection


   Ask the care recipients to close their eyes tightly and cover them with wet cotton pads or professional eye masks. Function: to avoid the care recipients from being nervous when seeing the bright light, and play a soothing effect.


6.test sensitivity:

    Adjust the safety parameters and do two to three light spots at the base of the ear and observe for three minutes. Function: If allergies occur, continue to operate by mistake. 8, operations and obtain the parameters for the caregiver and orderly operation subject. (About twenty minutes) Note: 8.1 Before operation, inform the care recipient that there is a slight tingling sensation to avoid panic. 8.2 When operating, start from the safety value, make adjustments while doing, and ask the care recipient about their feelings at any time. 8.3 The light spots should be arranged closely from bottom to top, one-third of a stack. If the parameters are suitable, it is forbidden to irradiate a certain part repeatedly. The accumulation of heat generated by repeated irradiation can directly cause skin redness and burns; 8.4 The bald head should fit the skin vertically, and should not be too tight or separated from the skin (called virtual contact). Virtual contact can (avoid) cause serious skin care reactions. 8.5 During the operation, the skin changes should be observed at any time. You should listen to it twice, listen to the sensation of the care recipient’s skin tingling, and watch the skin changes of the care recipient. Change the parameters at any time according to these two points. ( The parameters to be adjusted when caring for various skin problems are different from the feeling of the recipient’s skin. For details, please see the parameter comparison table)        



6. OPT Freezing Point Painless Hair Removal Taboo Description:

  The following people are not suitable to use OPT beauty instrument for care:

 1. Pregnant women with hypertension, heart disease, diabetes

 2. It is forbidden for people who are allergic to light

3. Areas with open wounds

 4. People who cannot avoid strong light in the near future

 5. Breast enhancement is prohibited during menstruation

 6. Those who are using functional products should stop for 1-3 months for care

 7. Scars, birthmarks, moles higher than the skin  


Seven, care attention after finishing:

1: Do not use whitening and stimulating products

2: You can't wash your face with hot water or go to the sauna within seven days  

3: You can not eat fat objects and stimuli with pigmented foods such as chocolate and coffee within seven days ban alcohol and tobacco 4: attention to the sun  

5: Do not grab with your hands if there is scab

6: Do hydrating care after ten days